PS7 Lockup

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Nov 6, 2003
When editing large files with a dozen or so layers (25 MB, give or take) I’m having a problem with PS7 locking up my entire system. It usually happens when I try to do something extensive, like rotate a single layer, but it’s also happened just trying to open the file and read it. Smaller files are no problem. My system stops responding to any input commands and I have to power off to reboot.

At first I assumed it was a video problem, that’s very much how it’s behaving. But I couldn’t recreate the problem in ImageReady, everything I tried worked just fine. Seems reasonable that a video problem would affect both programs, and I do have all the latest drivers and updates (that I know of).

My PS7 has four separately partitioned scratch discs to choose from, and I even bumped up its available memory to 100%. I deleted the pref file and started from scratch with no luck. Before I uninstall / reinstall PS7 I was hoping someone out there might recognize the symptoms and have a less drastic suggestion.

XP Home
512 MB Ram



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Nov 6, 2003
In news:Wqmqb.119480$, -Skip2Maloo- deftly typed:
When editing large files with a dozen or so layers (25 MB, give or take) I’m having a problem with PS7 locking up my entire system. It usually happens when I try to do something extensive, like rotate a single layer, but it’s also happened just trying to open the file and read it. Smaller files are no problem. My system stops responding to any input commands and I have to power off to reboot.

Most time when WinXP hangs, I suspect a hardware or driver problem. First thing I would do is run a memory test on the machine (not the one that the bios does) and go from there. Memtest86 is a good one, it’s the first thing I do on a new machine even before I install any software, usually letting it run overnight.

BTW, I don’t think allocating 100% of memory to PS is a good idea, it’s not very good at managing memory in the first place so you might just make matter worst.

"The known is finite, The unknown infinite"
Nov 6, 2003
"MCL" wrote in message
In news:Wqmqb.119480$, -Skip2Maloo- deftly typed:
When editing large files with a dozen or so layers (25 MB, give or take) I’m having a problem with PS7 locking up my entire system. It usually happens when I try to do something extensive, like rotate a single layer, but it’s also happened just trying to open the file and read it. Smaller files are no problem. My system stops responding to any input commands and I have to power off to reboot.

Most time when WinXP hangs, I suspect a hardware or driver problem. First thing I would do is run a memory test on the machine (not the one that the bios does) and go from there. Memtest86 is a good one, it’s the first thing I do on a new machine even before I install any software, usually letting it run overnight.

BTW, I don’t think allocating 100% of memory to PS is a good idea, it’s not very good at managing memory in the first place so you might just make matter worst.

"The known is finite, The unknown infinite"

I agree with your allocation comment, I was just trying anything I could think of as a test.

I’ll try the memory test. Whether is solves the PS7 problem or not it’s still not a bad idea. But I’m skeptical that it’s an XP issue since it only happens in Photoshop. Illustrator / InDesign / GoLive / ImageReady etc. all work perfectly, as do all my memory intensive programs.

But, what the heck…

Thanks for helping out.

Nov 6, 2003
As it turns out, it was a video driver issue after all. I had all the latest drivers installed until they issued a new driver YESTERDAY. Installed it and now everything works fine.

Even when you think your system is completely up to date, they throw you a curve just to keep you on your toes.


"-Skip2Maloo-" wrote in message
When editing large files with a dozen or so layers (25 MB, give or take)
having a problem with PS7 locking up my entire system. It usually happens when I try to do something extensive, like rotate a single layer, but it’s also happened just trying to open the file and read it. Smaller files are
problem. My system stops responding to any input commands and I have to power off to reboot.

At first I assumed it was a video problem, that’s very much how it’s behaving. But I couldn’t recreate the problem in ImageReady, everything I tried worked just fine. Seems reasonable that a video problem would affect both programs, and I do have all the latest drivers and updates (that I

My PS7 has four separately partitioned scratch discs to choose from, and I even bumped up its available memory to 100%. I deleted the pref file and started from scratch with no luck. Before I uninstall / reinstall PS7 I
hoping someone out there might recognize the symptoms and have a less drastic suggestion.

XP Home
512 MB Ram



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