missing or invalid personalization info

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Apr 10, 2004
hello. recently installed and started using elements 2.0 on win 98 machine. suddenly getting message:
"could not complete your request because of missing or invalid personalization information", when i try to start program.
occasionally just get "program not responding" but i can’t start the program either way. any suggestions? thank you

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Apr 10, 2004

Do you regularly perform system housekeeping chores? CheckDisk and Defrag especially and have plenty of freespace on your C: hard drive (Defragged)? Are you running anything by Norton on your system?

Apr 10, 2004
hi bob. yes, actually this problem came about AFTER i did some system maintenance (defrag, disc cleanup…etc). i do use norton anti-virus, and i have been running both spybot and adaware programs to try and keep the spyware and adware off my computer (an ongoing battle). i am going to try un-installing and re-installing tonight, but i would just like to get an idea as to what this problem might be, and if it will happen again. thanks, robert
Apr 10, 2004
After you install, be sure to do a search for the Elements Preference folder, because this one won’t come out unless you remove it manually. Also try disabling the Norton and the spybot and adaware programs to see if you can get Elements going. Any of them could be interfering, especially the Norton. This might require a little fussing around if it works without any of those going. You can put them on one at a time and see if you can identify which one is the culprit – assuming any of them are.

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