partitioning a new laptop’s RAID drive for scratch disc

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Aug 29, 2008
I’ve now set my heart on getting a laptop. I’m doing to much on my old desktop, and getting a laptop is hopefully going to ease the burden & open up some possibilities. Certainly the specs will way better.
I’m seriously thinking about getting a Sony VAIO AR71ZU. < R71ZU&site=voe_en_GB_cons&category=VN+AR+Series& assetid=1218032875460>

It has a lot f features I like & has 4GB of RAM. Unfortunately it’s Vista (Ultimate), but that’s what things are coming with now, so that’s that.
It has 640GB of HDD space:
Hard Drive Type Serial ATA RAID 0 (0 and 1 supported) 2x320GB Hard Drive Capacity (GB) 640
Hard Drive Speed (rpm) 5400

The two 320 GB drives look are joined -"con…. something" ! sorry I’ve forgotten the name for this- the opposite of partitioning. Hence it the drives are seen as one drive. Well for Photoshop one wants a second drive for scratch disc purposes doesn’t one. Can I partition this 640GB (320+320GB) drive ? Anyone out there know ? Is it an ok thing to do ?
[One of the added features is "HDD recovery (hidden partition)". I assume this is the backup /recovery facility that comes with Vista Ultimate ? Anyway, it may be of note, as it mentions "hidden partition. Would this interfere with any partitioning ? ]
If I can partition then would it be wise to go for three partitions: one as the main program drive; one for most documents & files; and one for back-up/ other stuff including for use as first scratch disc ?

Anyone wise?

Any advice greatly appreciated.

[I’m also been looking at the possibility of an Alienware laptop, but really I’d rather put that money elsewhere. (Eventually a new desktop but not yet.)]

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Bob Levine
Aug 29, 2008
There’s no benefit except housekeeping in partioning that RAID(0). You’d do better to get 7200 RPM drives, though.

That hidden partion has nothing to do with Vista, it’s Sony’s way of not giving you recovery disks. You’ll have to make them yourself.

Aug 30, 2008
Hence it the drives are seen as one drive.

That’s what RAID0 does, and at significantly greater speed, since it will read/write to both simultaneously.

for Photoshop one wants a second drive for scratch disc purposes

Indeed. And that’s why this is a toss-up. RAID0 wins in overall speed, but the lack of a separate scratch drive may well cancel out the benefit. All in all, I’d go for two standalone drives.
Aug 30, 2008
Thanks, most informative.
I’m considering an Alienware laptop.(Though, expensive!) One can have the double RAID drive, and there is something called SMART BAY which bascially is 3rd drive. Maybe this is a way around things- perhaps get that & make that for the scratch disc…an expensive way around things!

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