Vista PS CS3 brush/pencil resolution problem

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Nov 4, 2009
Suddenly my brush and pencil tools are extremely low res (they look like an old nintendo game). When using the eraser tool the brushes look normal. This happens with tablet and with mouse. I updated tablet drivers. Problem is not fixed. I’m thinking I accidentally turned something on or off in Photoshop? Does my problem make sense? Anyone else experience this? Any ideas for a fix?

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Nov 4, 2009
On Nov 4, 1:50 pm, Waksss wrote:
Suddenly my brush and pencil tools are extremely low res (they look like an old nintendo game). When using the eraser tool the brushes look normal. This happens with tablet and with mouse. I updated tablet drivers. Problem is not fixed. I’m thinking I accidentally turned something on or off in Photoshop? Does my problem make sense? Anyone else experience this? Any ideas for a fix?

OK, fixed my own problem.

Since only the BRUSH and PENCIL tools were affected, and not the STAMP, HEAL, or ERASER I knew the issue had to be with some setting.. and not the brush libraries. Figured out I had the brush mode set to "dissolve". Set it back to "normal" and the problem is solved. Hopefully this might help somebody in the future with a similar problem.

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