Adobe tool to correct corrupt PSD’s ??

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Apr 16, 2007
Oh how elated I am to find these posts! I am a Brooks student, upon my final week to present a portfolio. My lacie drive power cord went Kapooey, I asked the tech at school for advice on how to retrieve the data I had not backed up (Im so ashamed to admit this). He pulled the circuitry out and transplanted it to new casing. He then porceeded to reformat the drive before pulling the intact files off. As a result I have over 40 gigs of files I am sorting through in Bridge, the thumbnails look fine, but when I open them, they are sliced etc… When I attempt to open the psd files in photoshop I am given the "end of file/unable to open" error message.This has been addressed in the preceding posts, but I want to get an opinion on the most reliable program. My email is I am so desparate to retrieve these, if anyone has a moment I would be so grateful for a response!

Thank you!!

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Apr 16, 2007
Hi Bridgette,

I am very close to releasing a PSD layer recovery tool (if anyone is interested in testing this, please contact me <mailto:> (Actually there is already an earlier version of a recovery tool on that page, but it’s CLI.)

In the meantime, if you can send me one or two of your files, I can see if anything can be recovered.

Apr 19, 2007

Please try the PSD Extract/Recovery plugin that I posted on my site <> today.

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