CS2 Eye dropper and clone tool not picking up correct colour from image.

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Jul 31, 2008
Hello everyone, Can anyone help me please. I have an iMac with 0SX 10.4.4. Plenty of Ram and hard drive space. In using CS2 the eyedropper and clone tools will not pick up the exact same colour from the image that I require. It is always lighter in shade and has on occasion been white. Any help in solving this problem will be much appreciated.

Yours in anticipation, Geoff Walter.

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Jul 31, 2008
This may not solve your issue, but no one should be running 10.4.4. Update to 10.4.11, ASAP.
Jul 31, 2008
The eyedropper is picking-up the color as rendered in RGB on your Monitor so you could have Color Management problems.
Try re-calibrating your monitor and checking your Color settings.
Sep 17, 2008
Hi Folks, Just back from a jaunt away. The healing brush tool is now working properly. The clone tool worked correctly on a couple of images but now has gone back to white only. The eyedropper tool likewise worked correctly for a couple of images but has now reverted to much paler colour than that selected. Would it be possible to re install CS 2 over the top of the existing programme and if so would this help do you think? Thank you all who have replied offering help on my problem. Regards, Geoff W.
Sep 17, 2008

Would it be possible to re install CS 2 over the top of the existing programme and if so would this help do you think?

Different versions of Photoshop are unique, full installs, and can coexist on the same drive.

If you decide to (re)install a specific version, you should completely uninstall any earlier copy of that version on your system. But, first thing I would try is to either reset PS preferences, and/or make sure that no settings have been changed.

Sep 17, 2008
You might not be able to install CS2 if CS3 is already installed on the system. If that happens to be the case, the solution is to uninstall CS3 with the Adobe Uninstaller, install CS2, then install CS3 again.

I have Photoshop 7.0.1, 8, 9.0.2 and 10.0.1 happily coexisting on my machine. To run two versions simultaneously, just launch the older version first. For this purpose, I designate different volumes as primary scratch disk for each version of Photoshop.
Oct 5, 2008
Hi Folks, Thanks for your input. It appears that CS2 works some what differently to PS7 which I had been using before. In PS7 the tools worked regardless as to whether any layers were switched on. In CS2 any layers have to be switched off and the tools then work on the base image. When the layers are switched back on any adjustments that they do will automatically take effect on the work on the base image that has just been done. I am indebted to a very experienced worker for this information. Thanks once again to all who answered my call for help. Geoff W.

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