Print Variations Window

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Heather Bell
Sep 13, 2006
We’ve just started getting into printing on watercolor paper from our Epson 9800, right now we’re working from a scan of an artist’s painting.
What I’d like to do is PRINT the Variation option to show the customer for proofing, what her initial scan produces and then the variations. It’s a great feature that I like to use for correcting color casts, but would be even more useful if I could print. Anybody know if this is possible?

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John Joslin
Sep 13, 2006
Print screen?
Cybernetic Nomad
Sep 13, 2006
I used to do that the old fashion way, that is create half a dozen or files with different colour values, make a small print of each and show that to the customer
Heather Bell
Sep 14, 2006
Yeah, I will do the old fashion way if I HAVE to but it seems sad when there is this little button, and CLICK, it’s done. Won’t print screen be 72 dpi crap?
Cybernetic Nomad
Sep 14, 2006
Yup, print screen will be at screen res. Also, the colour may not be accurate…
Heather Bell
Sep 14, 2006
Argh. Why would they make this nifty little feature and not let you print it, it’s like a piece of fudge dangled just inches from the end of my nose but still out of reach. 🙁
John Joslin
Sep 14, 2006
Why would they make this nifty little feature and not let you print it?

I think it is probably a hangover from earlier days* and not considered to be the best way to correct colour casts any more.

Things have moved on.

*They might have bought it from Kai — he had something like that.
Cybernetic Nomad
Sep 14, 2006
FWIW, I consider it a good way for beginners to learn about colour corrections but never ever use it to do anything with it. I find curves to be much more flexible.

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