critical errors were found in setup. Please see setup log file for details.

Posted By
Jan 16, 2009
What fixes this problem in IE? I have read a lot of forums with many replies saying they got by it, but they never explain how. One guy posted a link, but the link is dead now.

I need to know how to fix this problem. Only thing I can gather is its a Java issue, but my java is up to date. In fact I just reinstalled it make sure that it was updated.

With as many people having this issue I can’t believe I have not found something from Adobe on this issue.


How to Master Sharpening in Photoshop

Give your photos a professional finish with sharpening in Photoshop. Learn to enhance details, create contrast, and prepare your images for print, web, and social media.

Jan 16, 2009
Umm, but what does the log actually say which install step threw Java errors? Also: Did you really completely remove Java before re-installing? I mean not just the primary install but also al lteh updates and possible extensions?

Jan 16, 2009
and what are you trying to install. might be nice to include that info. also what kind of machine? os? mothers maiden name… etc. 🙂
Jan 16, 2009
Photoshop CS4, XP Sp3, Smith (maiden name)

I never uninstalled Java and in the setup log file I did not see where the error was occurring.

I just looked at it again and I am not sure what the error is. I didn’t see anything about it being java. I guessed it was java, because everyone assumed it was java, as did I.

Jan 16, 2009
what error are you getting? please go step by step and explain what happens. forget java and IE and what you’ve read one the internet. tell us what you’ve done and seen on your system and exactly what problem/error you’re having.
Jan 17, 2009
I run the setup file and it does the checking system process… then goes into the actual install menu and not more than 10 seconds into that 2nd menu I get "critical errors were found in setup. Please see setup log file for details". That is all I can get out of the install.

The message window that I get the error in indicates windows Internet Explorer.

That is the my entire process. I have searched and found the log file and I have looked through it, but I am having a hard time finding the actual cause of the error. Out of shear frustration I removed all my adobe products and tried the install again and had the same exact problem. So I know there is something stopping me some where… just don’t know what it could be.

Scott =
John Joslin
Jan 17, 2009
Go to the task manager and under Processes look for iexplore.exe and end it.

You can also disable your Antivirus or other services running in the background.
Jan 18, 2009
That would be great if iexplore.exe actually showed up in the task manager when it ran. It never comes up I say jusched.exe which I think is part of Java.

I stopped that and I still received the error. I did notice a jse.exe I stopped that file and now I am receiving this message:

Setup error:

Setup has encountered an error and cannot continue. Contact Adobe support for assistance.

Not sure what to make of this, but from what I can tell that jse.exe file is part java as well.

Any suggestions, please let me know.
John Joslin
Jan 18, 2009
They were just a couple of the remedies mentioned in literally dozens of posts on this forum. You need to do a bit of digging, the forum search facility is pretty useless here.
Jan 18, 2009
If you read my first post I have been digging and I read online in other forums and again everyone mentions that they have experienced this problem, but they never mention how they fix this setup problem.

So that is why I am back to posting this myself, hopefully someone else has some suggestions.
Jan 19, 2009
if you have any sites that show how this is fixed, please send me the links as I have searched and no one describes how they fixed the issue… seems that you don’t know either.

Have you searched the forums to see now many hits you get with this? I have many times and because there is no one listing how they fixed it… I can’t resolve my case.

Does anyone have a site, further suggestions… maybe want to look at my log file? Something?
Jan 19, 2009
honestly, i’d format… personally.
Jan 19, 2009
This sounds like it might be related & he says he found a solution. Have you read this thread:

Jan 19, 2009
could be…&#9830;

How to Master Sharpening in Photoshop

Give your photos a professional finish with sharpening in Photoshop. Learn to enhance details, create contrast, and prepare your images for print, web, and social media.

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