Placing a graphic into Illustrator CS from Photoshop

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Aug 23, 2007
I am trying to place an eps graphic into Illustrator using the link option. Do you have any idea why when I check the link option all I see in illustrator is a box with an X in the middle? It is driving me crazy! I can embed the file fine, but I don’t want my AI file to be real big, so I thought linking was the way to go.
Also – if I open the file in Photoshop everything looks great with it.


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Aug 23, 2007
To provide more info, if I save in photoshop as JPG, linking works fine. Sorry if I should be over in the Photoshop forum.
Aug 23, 2007
Um, you *are* in the Photoshop forum.

Make sure you include an 8-bit preview when you save the EPS from Photoshop. When you place an EPS file you are not looking at the actual file, only the preview. (If you print an EPS to a non-PostScript printer you will also print the preview rather than the actual image.)

As an aside, I can’t think of any good reason why anyone would not want a preview, or would want a 1-bit preview, and don’t understand why this option is still included. It only confuses users who aren’t familiar with EPS files.

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