PSE bundled w Epson scanner:layer tutorial:where is "Start.psd" file

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s cantrell
Aug 19, 2003
Do I have a complete edition?? I can not get this even started…… can not find START.PSD………. 1. Open a layered document.

Open the "Start.psd" file for this Web tip in the Tutorials folder located inside the Adobe Photoshop Elements application folder. By default, the Layers palette should show. If not, choose Window > Show Layers.

Notice that "Start.psd" has multiple layers, including a background layer, which contains a beach image that shows through the transparent areas of the subsequent layers. You’ll see a checkerboard pattern indicating the transparent areas of a layer.

How to Master Sharpening in Photoshop

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Byron Gale
Aug 19, 2003
"s cantrell" wrote in message
Do I have a complete edition?? I can not get this even started…… can not find START.PSD………. 1. Open a layered document.

On my Win98SE installation, START.PSD is located in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 2\Tutorials

I would be surprised if you did not have the full edition.

s cantrell
Aug 19, 2003
Have Win XP home ed. I am sure I have a PSE special ed, not PSE 2. Does this mean I can not work w layers?
Now, I found the little man in the turtorial. It shows all his layers, but when I use my photo, I can not make it show layers.
Byron Gale
Aug 19, 2003
I’m afraid that my experience will not help you. I am unaware of any "limited" editions of PSE other than the tryout ver. available for download from Adobe’s web site.

To my knowledge, even THAT version allow you to work with layers… layers being one of the, if not THE, most vital features of the software.

When you say that you found the little man in the tutorial, do you mean that you found the START.PSD file? If so, you should see the layers of that image in the Layers pallette. If it’s not already open, drag it out of the pallette well onto your desktop. If you mean that you are looking at a picture of your own, but do not see layers, it is most likely because you have not created any layers, yet… they are not inherently present.

If you need a copy of the START.PSD file, I can email it to you… it’s 801k (557k zipped, if you prefer). Let me know.

Pete D
Aug 20, 2003

I think s. cantrel can see the layers in the example but wants to see layers like that in photos he (or maybe she) has on computer.

s. cantrel,

In order to see layers like that in a photo you will have to "select" areas and create new layers. It may seem difficult if you are just starting to use the program but with practice it goes pretty quick.

For instance if you have a picture of a person you would first select all areas of bare showing and then "layer/New/Layer via copy". Then maybe select their shirt and "layer/new/layer via copy"

Keep doing this and you will get an image in layer parts like the example.

Hope I am guessing correctly about what you are thinking and wanting. Either way post any other questions you want; this is a friendly place.

Pete D
Aug 20, 2003
EDIT; I did not type the word "skin" after "bare". (Tried to go to the web to edit this but don’t see the edit function like before 🙁 Pete

For instance if you have a picture of a person you would first select all areas of bare SKIN showing and then "layer/New/Layer via copy". Then
select their shirt and "layer/new/layer via copy"
s cantrell
Aug 22, 2003
Pete, Thanks, but I am a real dummy.
I opened a photo: bird sitting on nest.
I click on select:
my only choice is: "ALL"
I click: "ALL"
then "layer/new/layer via copy"
and it makes a duplicate.
How do I SELECT just the bird w/o the nest??
Elena Murphy
Aug 22, 2003
There are no limited or special editions of Elements.

S Cantrell, to select part of an image, you need to use the selection tools…rectangular and eliptical marquees for shaped selections; the lasso tool for a freehand selection. You can use the lasso to draw a selection around the bird. The Selection Brush is great for that because it’s literally painting a selection. Mouse-over the tools and pause to see the tooltip pop up and tell you which tool is which.
Pete D
Aug 26, 2003
s cantrell> Pete, Thanks, but I am a real dummy.
I opened a photo: bird sitting on nest.
I click on select:
my only choice is: "ALL"

Ha ha. This program (actually computers in general) make us all feel that way at times.

Don’t click "Select"……I should have been more specific. Click on the "Selection Brush", it is the third tool down, on the left, in the (vertical) tool bar that is on your PSE screen.


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