Simple Question on Layers

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Jul 14, 2004
I’m new to photo shop and I think this is a simple question but I haven’t been able to find an answer anywhere. I am attempting to create an image that is a composite of several images. I want to make a background, along with several smaller images on top as well as some text. My question is, how can I create a background layer, and then add other layers to it that are coming from different sources such as the internet or other saved pictures. I also am attempting to cut certain pieces out of an image and then add that piece to my final image. I am having trouble adding layers and wanted to know any advice or tips. thanks

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Jul 14, 2004
simply pasting into a document will create a new layer of the pasted object.
Jul 15, 2004
Or open several pix and use the move tool (top right tool on the tool bar arrow with little crosshairs) to drag the images into a new document!

If you only want to move a piece of a picture-create a selection(lasso, magic wand, etc) then use the move tool to drag the selection into the composite document. Photoshop creates new layers for each selection or document when you drag them in.

If things are not moving, change the the layer’s name from background to anything else by double clicking on the word background in the layers palette.

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