How to simulate letters carved into wood?

Posted By
– dave –
May 24, 2004
Can some explain to me (in newbie terms) how I can simulate letters carved into wood?

If there’s an online tutorial that will fit the bill, even better.

Thank you.


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May 24, 2004
There are multiple ways to do it, but I’ll try to explain this in the easiest way:

1] create your image, and fill it with your wood texture. 2] on a new layer, create your text
3] control + click the text layer, so that each letter is selected. 4] highlight the wood texture layer, and choose new layer via copy from the layers menu
5] Add an inner shadow. This will give you a somewhat cut in effect. Play with the settings until you get it how you want it.
6] define the edge opposite the shadow. This can be done two ways: through an inner glow, or if you want it less ‘glaring’, you can use the selection tool to move the text over and up/down by one or two pixels. This will offset the text from the rest of the texture, so even w/o a defined highlight, your mind draws an edge around the letters.

Hope that helped!
"- dave -" wrote in message
Can some explain to me (in newbie terms) how I can simulate letters carved into wood?

If there’s an online tutorial that will fit the bill, even better.
Thank you.


May 24, 2004
On Mon, 24 May 2004 20:48:44 +0100, "- dave -" scribbled:

Can some explain to me (in newbie terms) how I can simulate letters carved into wood?

If there’s an online tutorial that will fit the bill, even better.

Try the techniques discussed here:
Richard Pattle
May 26, 2004
"- dave -" wrote in message
Can some explain to me (in newbie terms) how I can simulate letters carved into wood?

If there’s an online tutorial that will fit the bill, even better.
Thank you.

I think this may fit the bill….

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