Strange Bounding Box Behavior

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Jan 31, 2004
There may be a good reason for this, and I’m probably just missing the point, but I worked for hours trying to "fix" it, when it turns out to be, apparently, normal photoshop 7 behavior.

It seems as though the bounding box for the Move tool follows the same rules as the marquee tools – specifically, that pixels less than 50% will not be represented by the bounding box.

If you use Edit|Transform the bounding box accurately represents the entire image. But if you use the Move Tool and then click on the edges to transform it, the bounding box only shows up around pixels that are 50% opacity or greater.

Try this.

Create a new image with transparent background (layer 0). Now drag any image onto it (layer 1), then drag a second image on top of that (layer 2). Fill Layer 0 with white, then set the opacity of layer 1 to 45%, leaving the opacity of layer 2 at 100%. Now turn off Layer 0, be on a different layer and Layer|Merge Visible.

Click on the Move tool with the bounding box enabled. The bounding box only represents the pixels that are >50%. With the move tool still selected, Click on the edge of the bounding box to transform it. Now drag the bounding box. The entire image transforms, but you can only grab handles around the part that is >50% opacity.

This makes it very confusing when resizing or transforming an image like this. What one has to do is Ctrl-T (Transform) it and then the bounding box represents everything that will be transformed.

So this leads me to ask: Is there a fundamental difference between resizing an image using Edit|Transform v. Clicking on the edge of a bounding box with the move tool and resizing? I thought they were the same. I guess I mean to ask, should I expect this kind of behavior using these different techniques for resizing or tranforming?

Drove me nuts for a couple of hours, so if anyone has any commentary, I’d be all ears.


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Jan 31, 2004
I say SPANK it until it behaves!

Jan 31, 2004
Btw: You let this "drive you nuts for hours?"

You really do need to get out more.

Jan 31, 2004
<laughing> Well, I’m doing a mock up of a package design. My keyboard fried. I bought a new one. Then I had this strange behavior. So in my anal retentive nature (is that hyphenated?), it just seemed so odd when I was resizing it, that I was even looking to see if it could be the keyboard driver.

It wasn’t till I got the brilliant idea to check it on a different machine that clued me in to the 50% opacity issue.

So yeah, hours. I’m ashamed.
Jan 31, 2004

(is that hyphenated?), <<

No, but it should be "analy retentive nature" or perhaps "retentively anal nature" to be grammatically correct <g>
Jan 31, 2004

I swear this forum is better than the Car Talk guys!!

Jan 31, 2004
Now, that’s saying something, Martha!

What did you say? 😉
Jan 31, 2004
So, just out of curiosity, and to kind of get back on topic…

Is there a fundamental difference between resizing an image using Edit|Transform v. Clicking on the edge of a bounding box with the move tool and resizing? I thought they were the same. I guess I mean to ask, should I expect this kind of behavior using these different techniques for resizing or tranforming?


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