Is the extension (.jpg) included in the file name?
Are you sending the files to PC users by way of email from Entourage?
Are they in RGB or CMYK mode?
Thank you for your replies. To answer your queries:
The extension (.jpg) is included in the file name.
I am sending the files to PC users with AOL e-mail and they are in sRGB.
Thanks again
ZIP-compress images before attaching/sending.
Oh, and kick AOL to the curb already. It isn’t 1997 any more!
😉 XD
Try sending them zipped.
In Finder, single click on Folder or document, then go File>Create Archive of…
kick AOL to the curb
Here, here. (and there too)
You may do well to switch to using your Mac’s own Mail program as it integrates well with the rest of OSX. AOL has quirks that have often caused issues. [example <>]
If sending with the default options for Apple’s Mail program (which includes sending ‘windows-friendly’ attachments), you will not need to zip your JPG images before sending.
Above all noted, thanks everyone.
I’ll give it all a try….
Are you saving them using "Save for Web and Devices"?
I had a similar problem a few months ago; if I used "Save for Web…" the PC end user was not able to open them, but using "Save As" instead, she was able to open them.
The person receiving my JPEG finally updated the application she was using to view the jpeg (don’t remember the name of that app) and everything has been fine since.
What apps don’t open JPEGs, that should?
I can crank out SFW JPEGs from PS CS2 all day long that will open in some of the oldest and outdated apps I can find.
Of course, I’m using Macs, so that may have something to do with it.
I can crank out SFW JPEGs from PS CS2 all day long that will open in some of the oldest and outdated apps I can find.
The problem is happening with CS3
"The problem is happening with CS3 "
Well that’s kind of a ridiculous change from PS CS2 now, innit, no matter how it happened?
I’ve seen about 2 or 3 different posts, in this Forum, in the last few months about the same or very similar problem; I did a search, but I can find any of them. All happened with CS3. But it doesn’t seem that everybody has this problem.
The other posts in this forum had to do with a bug in the combination of Entourage on Mac and Outlook on Windows. It was a bungle which was started with one automatic update and should now be resolved through another automatic update on Windows computers. Unless you use a program that mangles MIME attachments (AOL, Entourage) there is little concern here for Mac users.
thanks for all of your replies.
Sending a zipped jpeg did work but the best result has come from accessing my AOL account through Mac’s ‘Mail’ and having the ‘send windows friendly files’ box ticked.
Will seriously consider ditching AOL as well…..
Unless you absolutely, positively need all the friends ‘n’ family ‘n’ stuff specifically provided by AOL, there are better email and Web access solutions. For many, Apple Mail and Safari and/or Firefox are just fine.