Best tool to remove dust on chip marks

Posted By
Feb 2, 2004
Hi guys

Just taken some great shots only to find there’s what looks like a smudge bang in the middle of the frame. A friend has told me he thinks its dust/dirt on the chip. I’ve had it cleaned by Nikon and its fine now BUT how do I get rid of it ion the earlier shots?

Does anyone have any ideas as which tool in PS in most apprppriate? Unfortunately, the smudge does cover a textured area.

Any help much appreciated


How to Master Sharpening in Photoshop

Give your photos a professional finish with sharpening in Photoshop. Learn to enhance details, create contrast, and prepare your images for print, web, and social media.

Queen of Denial
Feb 3, 2004
Try the healing brush in small steps.
"Paul" wrote in message
Hi guys

Just taken some great shots only to find there’s what looks like a smudge bang in the middle of the frame. A friend has told me he thinks its dust/dirt on the chip. I’ve had it cleaned by Nikon and its fine now BUT how do I get rid of it ion the earlier shots?

Does anyone have any ideas as which tool in PS in most apprppriate? Unfortunately, the smudge does cover a textured area.

Any help much appreciated


How to Master Sharpening in Photoshop

Give your photos a professional finish with sharpening in Photoshop. Learn to enhance details, create contrast, and prepare your images for print, web, and social media.

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