Need help joining 2 images and blending

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Dec 16, 2003
Thanks so much for your past help. For my heading, which will appear on each page of my web site, I have a picture on the left, and an image on the right. The right image is a block of blue color with white text in it, describing the name of the site. I would like to blend these pictures together, so some of the blue is feathered into the picture.

I don’t know how to join these pictures together and I don’t know how to create this blending. You may want to look at the heading of, page: <> to see what I would like to accomplish.

Your help would be much appreciated – this would help make the heading of my pages look professional.

Thank you,
Bob Noll

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Dec 16, 2003
Bob, this is what the gradient adjustment layer is good for. First, pick the color you want to use by clicking on the color box ( foreground color) at the bottom of tools palette. With your first image selected, go to layer>new fill layer>gradient>click OK. Set the angle to 0 and move the slider opacity box to desired location then click OK. Afterwards, apply Text above both images.
Dec 16, 2003
Jodi, Thanks so much. This is really a neat feature.

Though I couldn’t get the gradient how I want it.

1) I only wanted the gradient to be applied over say 1/5 of the picture. When I moved the scale closer toward 100, it put a blue haze over the entire picture, instead of the first 1/5 of it. I would like the last 4/5 or 3/5 of the picture to be clear – or like the original picture. When I moved the scale toward 0, the gradient only affected the first 2/5 of the picture, but that 2/5 was solid blue and there was not much of a gradient at all.

2) I did not mention (sorry) that the right image of blue color was actually a gradient itself, made up of two colors: darker blue at the top and a sky blue at the bottom. The white text is only in this image. So after selecting the one color for a gradient in an adjustment layer, you will see a line of color difference when the pictures are put side by side.

3) If this is able to be accomplished, do I keep these as two images, or will they have to be joined to create this effect, as seen in

Sorry to throw you off on #2 above. Thanks for your time.

Dec 16, 2003
Bob, I’m sorry, I should have extended this a little further…I assume too much. After clicking the gradient adjustment layer and the pop up appears where you set your angle and/or blend mode….Click on the gradient colored bar itself and all the options you need will pop up. The upper boxes are for opacity and lower boxes are for color. To add another color, place cursor on edge of lower color box until you see a finger icon then slide out another box. Clicking on the colored boxes will give you the option to change the color. Clicking on upper boxes will give you options to change opacity. Slide the colored boxes to desired areas. The tiny triangles that appear are also options to spread color and opacity. Just play with all these little goodies in there. You’ll get it. Geeze, hope I didn’t leave something out again.
Dec 17, 2003
Jodi,That worked perfectly. I was able to make the adjustments just how I wanted. This is a great tool. Thank you for the extra directions…I am a rookie in Photo Elements, so I get stuck fairly easily. This is a big help, Thanks, Bob
Dec 17, 2003
Bob, I’m so glad that worked for you. Don’t hesitate to ask next time you get stuck. I am more than happy to help those who are able to help themselves 😉

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