PS 7.0 started DISAPPEARING!!!!!!!

Posted By
Curt von Diest
Jul 29, 2003
I’ve been racking my brain all day on this one…

I have Photoshop 7.0 on XP Pro. It’s a new computer, but everything has been working fine for a month and I use Photoshop all day every day. So this morning I open Photoshop (I had it open earlier, too) and something weird happens. I get the loading screen where it flashes through all the pallets and whatnot that it is loading. Then the whole application just disappeared. I hit Control+Alt+Del and saw nothing for Photoshop in Applications or Processes. So now I can’t get it to open. I tried reinstalling, same thing. I tried completely uninstalling and then reinstalling, same problem. I defragged my system, same prob. It appears to disappear as soon as it tries to load some sort of ICC Engine. Does anyone know what might be going on? Or at least have any suggestions of things to try?

Thanks a million.

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Jul 29, 2003
Check the FAQs or do a search on "delete preferences"
Aug 8, 2003
Delete your prefs. As soon as you launch Photo Shop hold the alt+shift+ctrl keys down. When asked if you want to delete your Photo Shop settings, say yes

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