In article <czOhe.26388$>,
Thanks, Harry. Sigh. There was me hoping there was a nice easy way to save the layer, then apply it (manually) to a succession of photos. Ah well. Guess I’ll have to hit the books some more.
Thanks again,
Dan E.
"Harry Limey" <harrylimey[@]> wrote in message "Dan E" <webbie(removethis)> wrote in message Re. my previous question about embossing SAMPLE on photographic art – is there a way to save the embossing layer, then apply it to other images (Photoshop CS – PC)? I know I’m giving strong hints about the depth of my
Thanks in anticipation,
Dan E
Dan E
The best way would be to create an action – for that you need to read the help files!!
The best thing to do is Copy your new Layer to a New File, Save, then call the New File, Ctrl-a (Select All), Ctrl-c (Copy), then make your target File active, and Ctrl-v (Paste) as a new Layer. Be aware that the resolution/image -size of the files (Layers in this case) must be the same, to get the "Sample" to look as you plan. If you have many different rez/sized files, you can do several versions of this "logo" file, sized to match. For this you might want to forego some of the above mentioned steps, and manually Open (specific image sized logo file) do a Crtl-a, Ctrl-c, to place its Layer into memory, and then run an action to do the Paste into each target file, of that size. From the File>Automate menu, you can do it to an entire target folder. First place all images of a particular rez/image size into a folder, say 1024×1280, 640×480, etc. so you have each rez/size together, then File>Automate>Action on that entire folder. File>Automate is in CS/CS2, but I cannot remember if it is also in PS v7 – someone will comment on that, I hope.