Fake photos: Such as Celebs heads put on anothers body

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Sep 18, 2004
I’ve seen many fakes that were perfect as far as I could tell. I’ve tried this myself with usually rather poor results. The problem is mostly matching colors and ranges of colors (which I wasn’t very successful at doing). Anyone know how this is done ? I’m assuming this is done using Photoshop, or is there other software for doing this that is better ?

Master Retouching Hair

Learn how to rescue details, remove flyaways, add volume, and enhance the definition of hair in any photo. We break down every tool and technique in Photoshop to get picture-perfect hair, every time.

Sep 18, 2004
In article <6z03d.6166$>, dave268
@mindspring.com says…
I’ve seen many fakes that were perfect as far as I could tell. I’ve tried this myself with usually rather poor results. The problem is mostly matching colors and ranges of colors (which I wasn’t very successful at doing). Anyone know how this is done ? I’m assuming this is done using Photoshop, or is there other software for doing this that is better ?

You need to start with two images that have very similar lighting and are anatomically correct,i.e. head facing the way that original’s did, or close. Correct colors of one to match the other. Be very careful with masking. Use Layer Masks on head Layer. After blend, do touchup with Clone Tool, the do an Filter>Add Noise to the overall image. To get it to look right, you need to start with good parts and then practice.


Master Retouching Hair

Learn how to rescue details, remove flyaways, add volume, and enhance the definition of hair in any photo. We break down every tool and technique in Photoshop to get picture-perfect hair, every time.

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