Creating a fake video screen shot…

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Feb 19, 2004
I am trying to create an effect on images that would simulate what an image would look like if you photographed it on tv. I have come close to achieving the effect using the texturizer filter, using the bricks, but it is not quite right. Since the scale will only go down to 50% the lines of texture are too big. Any ideas on how to create this effect?

I am using Photoshop CS.


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Feb 19, 2004
Duplicate the layer. Go to filter>sketch>halftone pattern, select ‘lines’ as the pattern type. (you may want to have B/W as the foreground/background color)

Try different blend modes with the layers until you see something you like.


You could create a custom pattern of horizontal lines, and apply that via layer styles, with the pattern set to some wierd blend mode.
Feb 19, 2004
To add to Jason’s tip… once you create the halftone patern lines (on a separate layer) run the spherize distort filter to push the middle out a bit. This will simulate the older, curved TV screens.

There are filters that simulate TV effects also… do a Google.
Feb 19, 2004
Ohh, that would be cool.

That gave me another idea – on the duplicate halftoned layer, try this:

Go to the channels palette, select each channel and offset by a pixel or two – faux ps out of convergence effect.
Feb 20, 2004

Paul mentioned filters to accomplish this. Here’s one: <>

Click the drop down menu and select "Television".
Feb 20, 2004
Both of Jason’s ideas will work great. A small distinction that may or may not matter to you: The halftone sketch filter produces an opaque layer – both lines and "space between" are pixels. By contrast, you can make a pattern so that the space between is transparent. This is not significant because opacity controls and blend modes will help you precisely control what happens to both, but I recall having to use a pattern once for precisely this reason (and CAN’T even remember what the illustration was! Just that I needed transparency between the lines! Memory’s shot!)
Feb 20, 2004

I downloaded the Television filters and they will not work on either PS 7 or PS CS. The error message says "could not complete television command b/c of a program error". Just wondering if you had any problems???

thanks a lot
Feb 21, 2004
Don’t know what to tell you on that one Marty. It works fine for me; PS7.0.1. I thought that perhaps they disabled that filter on the demo version, but I checked the site and it says fully functional for 30 days, so that’s not the case. Do the other Xenofex filters work?

Maybe re-install it or redownload and re-install. Sorry I can’t be of more help.

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