Color Problems – color temp way off

Posted By
Dec 2, 2003
Hi all! I have some digital images that are photos of actual print photos taken in a studio (the digitals) using tungsten lighting (3200 deg Kelvin) and the tungsten white balance setting with an Olympus D-460zoom. The results are horrible. Everything is purple’ish and washed out looking. Here’s a sample: (512 Kb)

I’ve played around with the curve settings in Photoshop 7 but have had no luck at recreating any realistic color. Has anyone had this same problem? And if so, were you able to correct it in PS? and how?

Thanks so much (in advance)!


How to Master Sharpening in Photoshop

Give your photos a professional finish with sharpening in Photoshop. Learn to enhance details, create contrast, and prepare your images for print, web, and social media.

James Connell
Dec 2, 2003
jtg wrote:
Hi all! I have some digital images that are photos of actual print photos taken in a studio (the digitals) using tungsten lighting (3200 deg Kelvin) and the tungsten white balance setting with an Olympus D-460zoom. The results are horrible. Everything is purple’ish and washed out looking. Here’s a sample: (512 Kb)
I’ve played around with the curve settings in Photoshop 7 but have had no luck at recreating any realistic color. Has anyone had this same problem? And if so, were you able to correct it in PS? and how?

Thanks so much (in advance)!


this might be able to help: 19

it’s for underwater colors but a change or two may get it to do what you need.
Mike Russell
Dec 2, 2003
jtg wrote:
Hi all! I have some digital images that are photos of actual print photos taken in a studio (the digitals) using tungsten lighting (3200 deg Kelvin) and the tungsten white balance setting with an Olympus D-460zoom. The results are horrible. Everything is purple’ish and washed out looking. Here’s a sample: (512 Kb)
I’ve played around with the curve settings in Photoshop 7 but have had no luck at recreating any realistic color. Has anyone had this same problem? And if so, were you able to correct it in PS? and how?

Puzzling. I would suggest the camera is out of whack, but I assume it works in other situations with tungsten lighting.

Do post back when you figure this out.

Mike Russell
Dec 2, 2003
Thanks – it didn’t "fix" the problem… I’m not sure it can be fixed {sigh} maybe it’s the camera – I’m going to try modifying some of the steps to see if I can get it to look like I want – I’ll let you know if it works. John

"James Connell" wrote in message
jtg wrote:
Hi all! I have some digital images that are photos of actual print
taken in a studio (the digitals) using tungsten lighting (3200 deg
and the tungsten white balance setting with an Olympus D-460zoom. The results are horrible. Everything is purple’ish and washed out looking. Here’s a sample: (512 Kb)
I’ve played around with the curve settings in Photoshop 7 but have had
luck at recreating any realistic color. Has anyone had this same
And if so, were you able to correct it in PS? and how?

Thanks so much (in advance)!


this might be able to help: 19
it’s for underwater colors but a change or two may get it to do what you need.

How to Master Sharpening in Photoshop

Give your photos a professional finish with sharpening in Photoshop. Learn to enhance details, create contrast, and prepare your images for print, web, and social media.

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