Photoshop 7 can no open .bmp files?

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Nov 19, 2008

When I try to open a .bmp file using the PS7 file open method with the file dialog window set for all formats, no .bmp files appear in the list of files.

If in Windows Explorer a .bmp file is selected then the right click option of open with PS7 is used PS7 gives an error message.

I’ve read other posts about saving .bmp files in 8 bit mode but can find nothing in the forum or manual about opening a .bmp file.

How to do it?

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke

How to Improve Photoshop Performance

Learn how to optimize Photoshop for maximum speed, troubleshoot common issues, and keep your projects organized so that you can work faster than ever before!

Nov 20, 2008
Where do the BMP’s come from? There are a few sub-variations of the form,at that will not open in PS, but this should not generally make it impossible to use any of them. Do they get correctly displayed in Windows’ own slideshow viewer or alternate image viewer programs?

Nov 20, 2008
Look in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop 7.0\Plug-Ins\File Formats. See if BMP 8BI is in there.
Nov 20, 2008
Hi Mylenium :

A few days ago someone sent me a hand drawn sketch, probably done in paint, that I could not open. I have hundreds if not thousands of .bmp images that were made using a flat bed scanner. I like the format since it maintains the physical size of the scanned object and in prior versions of photoshop distances could be measured with the ruler. But now PS7 will not display in the open dialog box any .bmp file or open it at all.

Hi Ed:

In the folder at:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop 7.0\Plug-Ins\Adobe Photoshop Only\File Formats

there are three file formats:

How do I add BMP.8BI and/or if BMP.16BI ?

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke
Nov 20, 2008
According to my experience, PhS can read all common
BMP formats, including 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32 bits per
pixel. 16 bpp comes by two versions (IMO relevant,
if at all, only for games).
32 bpp was introduced by PhS 7. The upper 8 bits
are meaningless by Microsoft definition, but it’s
not prohibited to use them for some purposes.
There is only one compression available: Runlength
Encoding for 4 or 8 bpp (Indexed Color).

If the BMP import filters should not be available,
then an actual Custom installation is necessary.
The dialogue was (years ago) rather misleading:
one has to take care that all import filters are
really installed.


Best regards –Gernot Hoffmann
Nov 20, 2008
Hi Gernot:

When I try to open a .bmp file in PS7 with the "all formats" option no .bmp files can be seen. I think I’m missing BMP.8BI in the Plug-Ins folder, but have been searching the internet for it with no luck.

I did find a reference that the version in CS3 had a bug that allowed a .bmp file to execute any code the creator wanted it to. So maybe that file has been removed and is no longer available?

If you can point me to some way to install it that would be great. PS7 has lost a lot of it’s value to me if it can not work with .bmp files.

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke
Nov 20, 2008
Mmh, weird. WBMP are wireless bitmaps for mobile phones and similar devices, so that is of no use to you. The normal BMP I/O plugin is however part of the standard install, so it remains a mystery why it is missing. I would simply re-install PS. It’s absolutely uncritical with those old versions and real quick. If the plugin still doesn’t show up, something goes terribly wrong somewhere…

Nov 20, 2008

Thanks to Ed pointing to the file BMP.8BI I’ve found the solution.

That file was missing from the folder at:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop 7.0\Plug-Ins\Adobe Photoshop Only\File Formats

so PS7 could not work with .bmp files. The reason it was missing was an earlier version had a security bug. Adobe came out with a new version the top of the page looks like:
Photoshop CS2, Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop Elements 5 updates to address security vulnerabilities

Release date: July 10, 2007

Vulnerability identifier: APSB07-13

CVE number: CVE-2007-2244, CVE-2007-2365

Platform: All Platforms

Affected software versions: Photoshop CS2, Photoshop CS3, and Photoshop Elements 5.0 ———————-
< ml> ——————————

I downloaded the patch zip file for Photoshop Elements 5.0: < -13/win/>
and after unziping it moved BMP.8BI into the File Formats folder and it seems to work fine in PS7.

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke

How to Improve Photoshop Performance

Learn how to optimize Photoshop for maximum speed, troubleshoot common issues, and keep your projects organized so that you can work faster than ever before!

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