It say my Product License has expired. What to do?

Posted By
Dec 15, 2007
So I need Photoshop for website design.

I downloaded it, installed, and removed the .sif file. Now it say my product license has expired and won’t even let me start up the program.

Any ideas?

Master Retouching Hair

Learn how to rescue details, remove flyaways, add volume, and enhance the definition of hair in any photo. We break down every tool and technique in Photoshop to get picture-perfect hair, every time.

Toobi-Won Kenobi
Dec 15, 2007
"bobsollman" wrote in message
So I need Photoshop for website design.

I downloaded it, installed, and removed the .sif file. Now it say my product license has expired and won’t even let me start up the program.

Any ideas?

Was it the trial version?
If it was you are out of luck, "it" knows it’s already been installed once and it will not let you install it again.(you would be trying to extend your trial period)
Is the .sif file in your recycle bin?
If it wasn’t the trial version you should be able to reinstall it, try uninstalling the earlier installation first.

Master Retouching Hair

Learn how to rescue details, remove flyaways, add volume, and enhance the definition of hair in any photo. We break down every tool and technique in Photoshop to get picture-perfect hair, every time.

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