Get bounding box of selection

Posted By
Timothy Humphrey
Jan 24, 2007
This is probably easy to do but I’m no Photoshop whiz so I need help. How can I convert a selection to the smallest rectangle that contains it? What I’m doing now is using the Magic Wand tool to select the border of an element within an image. I ultimately want it to be a GIF for the web so I want the background that’s around it but only as much to fill out the selection and make it rectangular.

Thanks for any help anyone can offer.

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Timothy Humphrey
Jan 30, 2007
On Jan 24, 4:13 pm, "Timothy Humphrey" wrote:
This is probably easy to do but I’m no Photoshop whiz so I need help. How can I convert a selection to the smallest rectangle that contains it? What I’m doing now is using the Magic Wand tool to select the border of an element within an image. I ultimately want it to be a GIF for the web so I want the background that’s around it but only as much to fill out the selection and make it rectangular.

Thanks for any help anyone can offer.

I figured it out. In Photoshop CS2 cropping a non-rectangular selection crops the tightest rectangular selection. Not exactly what I asked for but what I need. May work in versions prior to CS2, this is just the version I tried it on.

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