David When you use the selection brush in mask mode, the area covered by the mask (reddish area) is a "protected" area and is not available to edit. You need to reverse the selection – SELECT>INVERSE. Now the rest of the photo is masked (and protected) and you are free to edit your original selection.
Thanks Cliff….
Perhaps I wasn’t able to word my post to describe what was happening… I attempted both, keeping the masked portion and editing the remainder and SELECT>INVERSE again with no result. I will say though I am what you might call a "CLICKER"… so I am not sure if I did something I was not supposed to… If I am understanding correctly… once a portion of an image is "Selected" and
Masked" I should<b/> be able to do editing without having to "Cut and Paste" the portion I want untouched????
ooooops looks like I forgot the HTML command for stopping BOLD…..
David, after your are through painting the rubith mask click ‘selection’ in the same option box where you clicked mask mode. The selection(marching ants)will be placed outside the area you masked. Then you can proceed to edit. Select inverse if you need to edit anypart of what was previously masked.
I’ll give it a try Jodi… but what’s a "rubith"… not completely familiure with all the techno lingo… 🙂
Rubith is a term that goes back to the cut and paste days when you actually hand cut a mask that it was a red overlay. The red mask you paint over an image in Photoshop/Elements has retained the term rubith but of course we do not have to stick to red ;-).
Ohhhhh… ok thanks Grant….. I hope you didn’t just age Jodi…. she after all dosen’t look a day over 25.. 😉
When one I first tried to guess her age I was not sure if I should have added 10 years for her wisdom or subtract 10 years for her beauty.
You’re a very wise man Grant
Jeeze, in MY day it was called RUBYLITH (none of this short-form stuff): "A separable two-layer acetate film of red or amber emulsion on a clear base. It has dozens of uses in graphics, most often for color separations by hand in the composition or stripping departments. Red masking film."
Anyone remember ‘VanDykes’?
John… they’re making a come back….. (VanDykes).. 🙂
Jeeze, in MY day it was called RUBYLITH
Just thinking the same thing, John. You know, fun as PE/CS are, I do miss my Exacto Professional Swivel Knife. (Don’t miss the safety shoes, though.) 8^)
Grant is indeed a sweetheart <kiss>
I’ll be 40 this year on August 7th….born in ’64, year of the ‘dragon’. Gives you an idea of why my prefered subjects for my art seem to be cave dwellers. I love the warmth they exude but it’s never intentional. Just ends up that way.
John, that is what i meant…I’m a terrible speller and couldn’t care less about it 😉
Jodi: No problem. I thought the term might have ‘morphed’ and shortened as many seem to. It’s not a ‘dis’ (how I hate THAT new word).
Barbara: I’ve replaced all the giddy danger of Exacto’s with my Wusthof Grand Prix ‘granton-edge’ Santoku Chef’s knife. Curl those fingers under or lose ’em!
David: Really? Coming back? Are you talking about Dick and Jerry, or something in the Graphic Arts? 🙂
Hmmm Aug 7th huh… making mental note as to a suggestion for the "Challenge"… :)..and BTW your making me feel a lil older at 44
Actually John I meant the beard style…. I do believe there is one called a "VanDyke"..
Oh, oh. Don’t say beards around Jodi! 🙂
Off with his head ! 🙂
no no no…don’t hate beards…just hate the ones that aren’t cared for…ya know…growing up cheeks and down neck. If I’m going to spend every other day shaving my legs, under my arms and bikini line then I expect my man to take care the same. yes, my hub has a beard.
Oh, so now my beard was ‘unkempt’, eh? (he says with tongue in unshaven cheek).
Next you’ll be saying you don’t like hairy backs! 🙂
< she doesn’t know what to say >
Not to worry, I’m just pulling your (silky-smooth, freshly-shaved) leg.
Reading the last few posts wondering …
Should we start a new topic 😉
titled… "Silky Smooth Jodi"…. or "Unkept Hairy John"
David, if you think that date makes you feel old….Jodi was born a month before I started college….