How can I make a color image partically black and white

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Jan 2, 2007
I’m working on a bride holding flowers.
I want the background black and white while
keeping the flowers their natural color.

Much thanks,

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Jan 2, 2007
* Add a Hue/Sat Adjustment layer.

* Slide the "Saturation" control to the far left.

* With the mask active, paint with a soft brush to restore the colour in the flowers.
Jan 3, 2007
Chris, I tried your suggestion above and am having a little difficulty. Can you provide a few more steps in the process?
Jan 3, 2007
There aren’t really more steps to it…

The only clarification I can think of is that you paint onto the layer mask, black to hide it’s effects, white to reveal them.
Jan 5, 2007
I am still not able to get this to work..
Can you please explain in detail how to make the flowers color and the rest of the photo black and white.

Much appreciated,
Jan 5, 2007
Another way to do this is to select the portion of the image on your screen that you would like to be black/gray/white (monotone) then at the top of your layer list create a new adjustment layer.

Layers>New Adjustment Layer>Hue/Saturation…

When the box pops up make sure the checkbox is "unchecked" for "use previous layer…"

On the "Master" panel reduce the Saturation until you get the effect you’re looking for. Adjust the Lightness slider if necessary. Click "OK".

You can also create an adjustment layer above that using Brightness/Contrast instead of Hue/Sat.

If you Ctrl-Click the half black-half white circle on your Hue/Sat layer it will re-select the area that you used for de-saturation and that will allow you to apply brightness/contrast to the black and white portion of your image.
Jan 5, 2007
Victoria (and Douge). As Cyb has already pointed out there really are no other steps to add to what I said in post #1

Add a Hue/Sat Adjustment layer and slide the "Saturation" control to the far left.

Select a soft brush and paint over the flowers. Black will mask the effects of the Hue/Sat layer and allow the colour to show through. White will remove the masking effect.

If it doesn’t work, check you have the default settings in the Option bar. (100% opacity, Normal Mode, etc)

John Joslin
Jan 5, 2007
Maybe she’s not painting on the mask as you instructed.
Jan 5, 2007
Another JJ Graphic to the rescue! 😉

Victoria, so long as you don’t go "clicking" anywhere else after creating the Hue/Sat layer, the mask will be active by default.

If you do have to come back to it later, click as indicated on John’s graphic and make sure the mask thumbnail has that solid line around it indicating that it, and not the image, is active.
Jan 10, 2007
wrote in

Another JJ Graphic to the rescue! 😉

Victoria, so long as you don’t go "clicking" anywhere else after creating the Hue/Sat layer, the mask will be active by default.
If you do have to come back to it later, click as indicated on John’s graphic and make sure the mask thumbnail has that solid line around it indicating that it, and not the image, is active.
Another way is to duplicate the background layer twice. desaturate the middle layer… change the toplayer blending mode to color and use the eraser tool to remove the color from the rest of the photo. takes longer but i get good results from this.

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