Sepia Tones

Posted By
Clarees Vesey
Aug 3, 2003
Can someone please advise a senior citizen with limited computer knowledge how to create sepia or antique tones from a black and white or color photo using Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0. Is it possible? Thanks so much for any help you can provide.

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Beth Haney
Aug 3, 2003
There was a thread a couple of months ago dealing with this, too. Like many of our threads, it did go kinda of off topic toward the end, but you should pick up some great ideas to get you started at the beginning! 🙂

Jodi Frye "Sepia" 6/3/03 5:56pm </cgi-bin/webx?14/0>
Clarees Vesey
Aug 3, 2003
thanks so much, I’ll do that – and thanks for the link to get me started. I’m in awe of all of you and your computer knowledge.
Beth Haney
Aug 3, 2003
I specialize in finding links where the people who really know what they’re doing have explained it to people like you and me!

Must-have mockup pack for every graphic designer 🔥🔥🔥

Easy-to-use drag-n-drop Photoshop scene creator with more than 2800 items.

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