**** 3D Logo Design HELP !!!!

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Jul 2, 2004
I’m trying to create a logo with the look and feel that it is popping out of the screen can anyone help. I want it to have a stream behind it and have the look that its going to come right at you. Maybe you have a image you created and you could share with me. I have a globe and I want 4-5 logos to Pop out from different Points on the Globe as a Still Image. Thanks a million.

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Jul 2, 2004
To get real 3D effects you will need a 3D program. PS is only 2D.
Jul 2, 2004
don’s correct, but limited 3d CAN be faked in ps, if you know what you’re doing… or how to find out…

googling for "3d effect photoshop tutorial" < http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=3d+eff ect+photoshop+tutorial>

also there’s the 3d transfom which produces primative 3d shapes that can be overlaid by your images… the plugin is in the goodies folder on your cd if you have cs… or installed by dcefault back as far as it’s been in the program (at least since version 6, maybe before).
Jul 2, 2004
If you have after effects with the invigorator plugin, it is perfect for this sort of thing. Yes, you can fake it in Photoshop, but a real 3D program is better. The downside is that 3D programs are expensive and have long learning curves. (Maya, etc.)

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