I don’t really know about EPS format, but I’ll ask the obvious: can’t you simply change the resolution in PS 7 [with no resample] to whatever you need it to be?
When I open an .eps in PS 7, I’m given a dialog with last used dpi and size to render it in already filled in. In other words: I get to choose different values.
Well, guys, that is true. I can change the dpi, but it’s my understanding that simply saying something is 300 dpi doesn’t make it so. It will print fine from my desktop, but this is a outside print job and has to be really 300 dpi or it will be fuzzy.
I guess my basic question is…can I change the dpi to 300 dpi and be guaranteed it actually will BE 300 dpi?
Use file>open to open the EPS file. Choose CMYK and 300 dpi.
At that point the file will be rasterized at 300 dpi, so the answer to your question is yes, it will be 300 dpi.
simply saying something is 300 dpi doesn’t make it so
With a vector document, surely that’s exactly what it means.
If it’s raster, that’s another can of pixels.
Is it opening at 72 ppi, while still retaining high absolute pixel dimensions.
e.g.: a 2" X 3" image is 600 X 900 pixels? Or are you seeing (in Photoshop…Image—»Image Size…) 144 X 216 pixels?
did 7 have a problem reading exif data? or was that 6?
did 7 have a problem reading exif data? or was that 6?
EPS files don’t have EXIF data.
Thanks to all of you, especially Colin who nailed the question!