How do i shrink down pic Yet to print out large

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Sep 10, 2005
How do i take a large file 22MB picture say jpeg and bring down to say 211kb

I have a jpeg and a tiff pic i made and to large to email out. to have printed ..



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Sep 10, 2005
How do i take a large file 22MB picture say jpeg and bring down to say 211kb

I have a jpeg and a tiff pic i made and to large to email out. to have printed ..

Did you know that your "copy" of PS has a help file? Make a little effort on your side before asking for help.

Sep 10, 2005
On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 04:33:41 GMT, ""

How do i take a large file 22MB picture say jpeg and bring down to say 211kb

I have a jpeg and a tiff pic i made and to large to email out. to have printed ..



Hi Janet

Simply resave it to a new destination
(or the same – my way – and add a ‘b’ to the file name)
by using new (low) ‘image qualitie(s)’ such as about ‘2’ .

Sep 10, 2005
On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 09:59:16 +0200, DD wrote:

On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 04:33:41 GMT, ""

How do i take a large file 22MB picture say jpeg and bring down to say 211kb

I have a jpeg and a tiff pic i made and to large to email out. to have printed ..



Hi Janet

Simply resave it to a new destination
(or the same – my way – and add a ‘b’ to the file name)
by using new (low) ‘image qualitie(s)’ such as about ‘2’ .

22MB you said?
Not even a ‘0’ will result in 211kb; anyway you’ll
have to test it this way and see what ends up.
You’ll have to resize it by reducuing the width & Height pixels as well as the resolution back to 72.

….image>image Size…

Ken Wright
Sep 10, 2005
If you just want to be able to email it, and you are running Windows XP, go into Windows Explorer, right click on the file and choose ‘Send To / Mail Recipient’. This will then gask you if you want o keep the pictures the same size, or whether you want to reduce them, and if you choose the latter it will do it automatically for you.


wrote in message
How do i take a large file 22MB picture say jpeg and bring down to say 211kb

I have a jpeg and a tiff pic i made and to large to email out. to have printed ..


Sep 10, 2005
On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 10:15:06 +0200, DD found these unused words floating about:

On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 09:59:16 +0200, DD wrote:

On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 04:33:41 GMT, ""

How do i take a large file 22MB picture say jpeg and bring down to say 211kb

I have a jpeg and a tiff pic i made and to large to email out. to have printed ..



Hi Janet

Simply resave it to a new destination
(or the same – my way – and add a ‘b’ to the file name)
by using new (low) ‘image qualitie(s)’ such as about ‘2’ .

22MB you said?
Not even a ‘0’ will result in 211kb; anyway you’ll
have to test it this way and see what ends up.
You’ll have to resize it by reducuing the width & Height pixels as well as the resolution back to 72.

…image>image Size…


Why would he have to set the resolution to 72?

Has NOTHING to do with FILE size !!!!!!!!!!!

Resample, setting the pixels to what you want, PERIOD!
Sep 10, 2005
In article <FmtUe.8046$>,
"" wrote:

How do i take a large file 22MB picture say jpeg and bring down to say 211kb

I have a jpeg and a tiff pic i made and to large to email out. to have printed ..

You don’t.

If you want to print it large, that means large file size. Rule of life. Any image you shrink to 211K is going to print like crap.

If you have to send it somewhere to be printed, don’t send it by email. Send a CD, or use FTP or some other way to transmit the file.

Art, photography, shareware, polyamory, literature, kink: all at
Sep 10, 2005
In article ,
J. A. Mc. wrote:

Why would he have to set the resolution to 72?

Has NOTHING to do with FILE size !!!!!!!!!!!

Resample, setting the pixels to what you want, PERIOD!

That won’t solve the original poster’s problem.

Sure, it can get the image down to 200K, but then it cannot be printed large and high resolution. The solution to the original poster’s question–"How can you make a 211 K image that prints large?"–is "you can’t"–at least not if you want any sort of print quality at all.

Art, photography, shareware, polyamory, literature, kink: all at
Sep 12, 2005
In article <FmtUe.8046$>, venus6152 says…
How do i take a large file 22MB picture say jpeg and bring down to say 211kb

I have a jpeg and a tiff pic i made and to large to email out. to have printed ..



OK, I’m not sure that I get the part about "printing," regarding the file size, but to e-mail, go to Image Size, and drop the pixel dimensions, plus the resoultion down. A starting point would be 640×480 (or whatever aspect ratio near these #’s you have) x72ppi. Save_As JPG with a setting of ~7 (I’d append the word "small" to the file name), then it will probably e-mail, and can be viewed on a computer’s monitor. You can try making it larger, as many more monitors support higher pixel counts, but the files will get larger.

For printing, you run into a quality issue. You can make the image quite small for e-mailing, and viewing, but size and quality WILL suffer when printing. You might experiment to find the "happy medium." If you must have a large, high-rez file to print the size you want, and at the rez of the printing device, you might have to FTP the file, rather than e-mail it, or use snail- mail for a CD. I’d also include a lower-rez JPG so the recipient can open it to view, and then use the larger file for printing.

Good luck,
Sep 12, 2005
In article ,
In article <FmtUe.8046$>,
"" wrote:

How do i take a large file 22MB picture say jpeg and bring down to say 211kb

I have a jpeg and a tiff pic i made and to large to email out. to have printed ..

You don’t.

If you want to print it large, that means large file size. Rule of life. Any image you shrink to 211K is going to print like crap.
If you have to send it somewhere to be printed, don’t send it by email. Send a CD, or use FTP or some other way to transmit the file.

Art, photography, shareware, polyamory, literature, kink: all at

Oops, your post had not shown up on my news server, when I came along and said the same thing. Sorry for being so slow on the uptake.

Sep 12, 2005
On 12 Sep 2005 17:36:31 GMT, (Hunt) scribbled:

In article <FmtUe.8046$>, venus6152 says…
How do i take a large file 22MB picture say jpeg and bring down to say 211kb

I have a jpeg and a tiff pic i made and to large to email out. to have printed ..



OK, I’m not sure that I get the part about "printing," regarding the file size, but to e-mail, go to Image Size, and drop the pixel dimensions, plus the resoultion down. A starting point would be 640×480 (or whatever aspect ratio near these #’s you have) x72ppi. Save_As JPG with a setting of ~7 (I’d append

PPI has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on the file size.
Sep 12, 2005
In article , says
On 12 Sep 2005 17:36:31 GMT, (Hunt) scribbled:

In article <FmtUe.8046$>, venus6152 says…
How do i take a large file 22MB picture say jpeg and bring down to say 211kb

I have a jpeg and a tiff pic i made and to large to email out. to have printed ..



OK, I’m not sure that I get the part about "printing," regarding the file size, but to e-mail, go to Image Size, and drop the pixel dimensions, plus
resoultion down. A starting point would be 640×480 (or whatever aspect ratio near these #’s you have) x72ppi. Save_As JPG with a setting of ~7 (I’d
PPI has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on the file size.

Of course. My mistake. It only has to do with the viewing size on a given rez monitor. Sorry, I still had my brain (what little there is of it) on the "dpi" of the "printing" part of the question.

Thanks for this clarification,
Sep 12, 2005
On 12 Sep 2005 21:10:29 GMT, (Hunt) scribbled:

In article , says

On 12 Sep 2005 17:36:31 GMT, (Hunt) scribbled:

In article <FmtUe.8046$>, venus6152 says…
How do i take a large file 22MB picture say jpeg and bring down to say 211kb

I have a jpeg and a tiff pic i made and to large to email out. to have printed ..



OK, I’m not sure that I get the part about "printing," regarding the file size, but to e-mail, go to Image Size, and drop the pixel dimensions, plus
resoultion down. A starting point would be 640×480 (or whatever aspect ratio near these #’s you have) x72ppi. Save_As JPG with a setting of ~7 (I’d
PPI has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on the file size.

Of course. My mistake. It only has to do with the viewing size on a given rez monitor. Sorry, I still had my brain (what little there is of it) on the "dpi" of the "printing" part of the question.

PPI has nothing to do with viewing size either. Quit while you’re behind.

Two files, the same dimensions, the same display size, the same byte size, one’s at 5 PPI the other at 5000. Go ahead, open ’em in Photoshop and see. PPI has not bearing on how an image is displayed on a monitor, none.
Sep 13, 2005
In article , says
On 12 Sep 2005 21:10:29 GMT, (Hunt) scribbled:

In article ,

On 12 Sep 2005 17:36:31 GMT, (Hunt) scribbled:

In article <FmtUe.8046$>, venus
6152 says…
How do i take a large file 22MB picture say jpeg and bring down to say 211kb

I have a jpeg and a tiff pic i made and to large to email out. to have printed ..



OK, I’m not sure that I get the part about "printing," regarding the file size, but to e-mail, go to Image Size, and drop the pixel dimensions, plus
resoultion down. A starting point would be 640×480 (or whatever aspect
near these #’s you have) x72ppi. Save_As JPG with a setting of ~7 (I’d
PPI has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on the file size.

Of course. My mistake. It only has to do with the viewing size on a given
monitor. Sorry, I still had my brain (what little there is of it) on the "
of the "printing" part of the question.

PPI has nothing to do with viewing size either. Quit while you’re behind.

Two files, the same dimensions, the same display size, the same byte size, one’s at 5 PPI the other at 5000. Go ahead, open ’em in Photoshop and see. PPI has not bearing on how an image is displayed on a monitor, none.

Only if you keep the pixel count the same. If you keep the dimensions (in inches in this case) and increase the dpi, or ppi, your file will grow. Try it with any file. Check resample and keep the "inch" dimensions the same, then raise the dpi, or ppi and watch the file size increase.

Sep 13, 2005
"Hunt" wrote in message
In article ,

On 12 Sep 2005 21:10:29 GMT, (Hunt) scribbled:

In article ,

On 12 Sep 2005 17:36:31 GMT, (Hunt) scribbled:

In article <FmtUe.8046$>,
6152 says…
How do i take a large file 22MB picture say jpeg and bring down to say

I have a jpeg and a tiff pic i made and to large to email out. to have printed ..



OK, I’m not sure that I get the part about "printing," regarding the file
size, but to e-mail, go to Image Size, and drop the pixel dimensions, plus
resoultion down. A starting point would be 640×480 (or whatever aspect
near these #’s you have) x72ppi. Save_As JPG with a setting of ~7 (I’d
PPI has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on the file size.

Of course. My mistake. It only has to do with the viewing size on a given
monitor. Sorry, I still had my brain (what little there is of it) on the "
of the "printing" part of the question.

PPI has nothing to do with viewing size either. Quit while you’re behind.

Two files, the same dimensions, the same display size, the same byte size, one’s at 5 PPI the other at 5000. Go ahead, open ’em in Photoshop and see. PPI has not bearing on how an image is displayed on a monitor, none.

Only if you keep the pixel count the same. If you keep the dimensions (in inches in this case) and increase the dpi, or ppi, your file will grow. Try it
with any file. Check resample and keep the "inch" dimensions the same, then
raise the dpi, or ppi and watch the file size increase.


Well, I haven’t used any of these email printing companies. Generally, image sizes that email well do not print well, generally.

I have seen large prints that where printed at 72dpi that would knock you out of your chair but generally, you want to shoot for a 300dpi print.

So, typically, around 800X600 pixels is what people email, maybe slightly smaller. But 800pixels / 300dpi = 2.6 inches. I am guessing you would like to print larger than that.

5×7 @ 300dpi requires 1500X2100 pixels. You might be able to email that.

Really good photo quality printers are getting sooo inexpensive.

If you are going to email your images off be prepared to have you images cropped when they print em. Leave yourself 15 to 20% around the edges so no heads get cut off.
Sep 16, 2005
On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 15:53:55 GMT, tacit found these unused words floating about:

In article ,
J. A. Mc. wrote:

Why would he have to set the resolution to 72?

Has NOTHING to do with FILE size !!!!!!!!!!!

Resample, setting the pixels to what you want, PERIOD!

That won’t solve the original poster’s problem.

To which I wasn’t replying !!!

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