Turning Off the TIFF Mac/PC Save Option?

Posted By
jim evans
Nov 4, 2003
Using PS6.

For years, every time I save a TIFF file I’m prompted to choose between Mac and PC format. I use a PC exclusively and have no reason to save as Mac and never have, yet it asks me every time. Other apps assume you will "Save As" if you want some special format.

This is very annoying. Is there a way to turn it off?


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Nov 4, 2003
jim evans wrote:

Using PS6.

For years, every time I save a TIFF file I’m prompted to choose between Mac and PC format. I use a PC exclusively and have no reason to save as Mac and never have, yet it asks me every time. Other apps assume you will "Save As" if you want some special format.
This is very annoying. Is there a way to turn it off?


Make an action with your choice already entered and use that. It’s not a special format by the way and it makes no difference which byte order you choose.

Comic book sketches and artwork:
Matti Haveri
Nov 5, 2003
In article <DAWpb.103$>,
edjh wrote:

[Mac vs IBM PC Byte Order] is not a special format by the way and it makes no difference which byte order you choose.

Is there any speed benefit in using the TIF Byte Order that corresponds to your hardware platform?

Matti Haveri <mattiDOThaveriATsjokiDOTutaeiroskaaDOTfi> remove ei roskaa
Nov 5, 2003
Matti Haveri wrote:

In article <DAWpb.103$>,
edjh wrote:

[Mac vs IBM PC Byte Order] is not a special format by the way and it makes no difference which byte order you choose.

Is there any speed benefit in using the TIF Byte Order that corresponds to your hardware platform?
No. As I understand it this is a leftover feature from old times when certain programs needed to have a certain byte order specified to read tiffs.

Check out this info which might not clear thigs up but is kind of interesting anyway.
http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,,sid9_gci211659,00 .html

Comic book sketches and artwork:
jim evans
Nov 5, 2003
On Wed, 05 Nov 2003 23:15:21 GMT, edjh wrote:

Is there any speed benefit in using the TIF Byte Order that corresponds to your hardware platform?
No. As I understand it this is a leftover feature from old times when certain programs needed to have a certain byte order specified to read tiffs.

Then I wonder why Adobe forces everyone to go through an unnecessary extra step every time you save a TIFF file?
Nov 6, 2003
In article ,
jim evans wrote:

On Wed, 05 Nov 2003 23:15:21 GMT, edjh wrote:

Is there any speed benefit in using the TIF Byte Order that corresponds to your hardware platform?
No. As I understand it this is a leftover feature from old times when certain programs needed to have a certain byte order specified to read tiffs.

Then I wonder why Adobe forces everyone to go through an unnecessary extra step every time you save a TIFF file?

Well you don’t have to save as TIFF you know ;-)….so Adobe isn’t forcing anything. They are ensuring Backward and Other System compatability…it’s not a bad idea, although in your case it may be inconvenient.
Nov 6, 2003
No. As I understand it this is a leftover feature from old times when certain programs needed to have a certain byte order specified to read tiffs.

Kind of. It’s actually a leftover from the days when writing 16-bit data needed to be done in a way that corresponded to the "byte order" of a given processor.

Some computer processors–most notably, those from Intel–are "little-endian" processors. That means, when the processor stores a two-byte number n memory, it stores it *backward*–that is, little-end first. The number "1000" is seen by an Intel processor as "0010." The number "1492" is "9214" to an Intel
processor, and the number "12345678" is "34127856.". Every pair of digits is swapped with the pair to its right.

Intel does this for historical reasons; their first 16-bit processor did this because it was easier to keep certain architectural features from the early 8080 that came before it. As a result, even the Pentium 4 processor has certain quirks that trace back to the ancient 8080.

Other processors, like those from Motorola and other processor companies, don’t swap the digits. "1492" is stored as "1492," not "9214." These processors are
"big-endian"–the big part of the nummber comes first, as it does in normal human-readable writing.

The TIFF standard allows numbers to be written in little-endian format so that programmers who write software for Intel processors do not have to go and manually swap the numbers around when they read the TIFF into memory. Adobe calls the byte-order format "Mac" and "PC," but they should be called "Intel
(little-endian)" and "everything else." The so-called "Mac" format means nothing more than "Record the information on disk in a normal order, without swapping all the pairs of numbers around."

Rude T-shirts for a rude age: http://www.villaintees.com Art, literature, shareware, polyamory, kink, and more:
Nov 6, 2003
Then I wonder why Adobe forces everyone to go through an unnecessary extra step every time you save a TIFF file?

Because the option is a part of the TIFF format, and some ancient TIFF readers for Intel processors can’t read a natural-order (big-endian) TIFF.

Rude T-shirts for a rude age: http://www.villaintees.com Art, literature, shareware, polyamory, kink, and more:
Nov 6, 2003
jim evans wrote:

On Wed, 05 Nov 2003 23:15:21 GMT, edjh wrote:

Is there any speed benefit in using the TIF Byte Order that corresponds to your hardware platform?
No. As I understand it this is a leftover feature from old times when certain programs needed to have a certain byte order specified to read tiffs.

Then I wonder why Adobe forces everyone to go through an unnecessary extra step every time you save a TIFF file?

It’s not unneccessary, because it’s also the step where you can decide if you want to use compressed or uncompressed TIFF. After you have saved your file once, you will not be bothered with this dialog on subsequent saves.

Johan W. Elzenga johan<<at>>johanfoto.nl Editor / Photographer http://www.johanfoto.nl/
John Garrett
Nov 13, 2003
edjh wrote:

Comic book sketches and artwork:

Holy Crap! Ed Hannigan?! You’re *the* Ed Hannigan? Cool…

You do some great work man, no lie. I grew up reading a lot of the comics you’ve drawn. You’re one if the guys I used to copy when I was a kid to try to draw my own comics. I checked out your site…is the ‘Artwork’ section ready yet? I clicked on it and didn’t get anywhere..anyway do you have any upcoming work with Marvel or DC or anyone?


-John G
Nov 16, 2003
John Garrett wrote:
edjh wrote:

Comic book sketches and artwork:

Holy Crap! Ed Hannigan?! You’re *the* Ed Hannigan? Cool…
You do some great work man, no lie. I grew up reading a lot of the comics you’ve drawn. You’re one if the guys I used to copy when I was a kid to try to draw my own comics. I checked out your site…is the ‘Artwork’ section ready yet? I clicked on it and didn’t get anywhere..anyway do you have any upcoming work with Marvel or DC or anyone?

At his web-site, did you notice that not only do the letters of the menu roll-overs "squat" when activated, but the shadow moves a little as well to look more realistic? Maybe that’s a common thing to do, but I’ve never noticed it before. You gotta love attention to detail.


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