hey all. at the end of my wick here.
have photoshop 7.0 on a windows xp machine. trying to work with a psd file that uses arial narrow bold and arial narrow italic fonts. when i dragged the file into photoshop, it told me those fonts weren’t available. downloaded arialnb.ttf and arialni.ttf from the internet, went into my control panel – fonts folder and deleted the old ones that weren’t being recognized and installed the new ones. they are still not recognized. microsoft word doesn’t recognize them either. please advise.
appreciate any and all help that anyone can swing my way. thank you.
have photoshop 7.0 on a windows xp machine. trying to work with a psd file that uses arial narrow bold and arial narrow italic fonts. when i dragged the file into photoshop, it told me those fonts weren’t available. downloaded arialnb.ttf and arialni.ttf from the internet, went into my control panel – fonts folder and deleted the old ones that weren’t being recognized and installed the new ones. they are still not recognized. microsoft word doesn’t recognize them either. please advise.
appreciate any and all help that anyone can swing my way. thank you.
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