Placing Text on Arc Distorts/Stretches It

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Nov 12, 2008
I recently placed text on an arc in Photoshop and found that it appears to stretch the text as well. I placed the same text on a circle in Illustrator and then placed it on top of the text in Photoshop. When the two lines of text were then made to have letters of the same height, the letters were not the same width (Photoshop letters were wider). Illustrator appears to maintain the aspect ratio of each letter when placing text on a curve while Photoshop does not.

Is this known to happen? Is there a way to place text on an arc in Photoshop that does not distort/deform the letters of the text in any way other than to place them on an arc?

Thank you for any help you can give, take care.

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John Joslin
Nov 12, 2008
You may have the scaling or tracking set wrong. Try resetting the Type Tool from the drop-down in the Character Palette.
Nov 13, 2008
Thank you for the tip, but it has not solved the issue. I created a new file and reset character. I then typed something and placed in on an arc. This still created a noticeable stretching of the letters.

Basically, it is arching the letters themselves, bending them into the shape of the arc. I am looking for something in Photoshop that allows me to place a word or words on an arc, each letter simply being rotated to sit on the arc.
John Joslin
Nov 13, 2008
I don’t think the limited text tool of Photoshop can do that.

Have you got InDesign?

In Photoshop you could select the text then use the scrubby sliders for scaling or tracking in the Character Palette to minimise the stretching.

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