You mean change it to a different default. I don’t think so. You can save a Style with a different color in the Styles Palette.
I sure would like to change the Obnoxiously-Bright-Red default of the Stroke Style.
Ah, ‘default’! Seems like I didn’t read post #1.
Just change the color of the glow. Then uncheck the inner glow checkbox. You should see your new color, but grayed out. Hit ok. It’s now your default. This works will all variables. Not sure if this is the proper way to change the default. Probably best to save your defaults as a style and save out that style in case you have to reset. Nothing’s worse than not knowing ’cause you count on it being done for (what’s my phone number?).
Holy mackerel! That’s great!
Works until prog is restarted.
Same here. Too bad. It would be nice to have the changes stick.
Yeah, it’s a ridiculous oversight that those defaults in the Layer Styles dialogue can be changed and set by users, and that the ability to do so hasn’t been added in the past 3 versions.
Changes stick here 10.4.11 / InteliMac /10.0.1…
Not sure if this is the proper way to change the default.
Must be something new in CS3/10.x, then.
In PS SC2, if you do that on one layer, it reverts to the yellow glow and red stroke when you want to apply a layer style to another layer.
Well, that’s odd.
Change the color, Uncheck Outer Glow, hit OK. Right?
And when you create a new file (or even a new layer), the new color is the default for Outer Glow? Not here G5. 10.4.11
Cs3Ext 10.0.1
Yeah, it works for even on restart. Maybe it’s my prefs that need resetting. 😉
I can confirm Phos’ conclusion. CS2 no go, CS3 ok.