Photoshop 7 fails to start -question

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Aug 30, 2007
Re-installing Photoshop 7 on Windows XP, it installed correctly. Tried to start it, and as it was loading, (specifically started to load ‘colour preferences’) it just dissapeared back to the desktop.
I have tried trashing the preferences, but I can’t because the program cannot run. Also, I have no files that say "AdobePhotoshop Preferences" or anything like it.

Being fustrated, I installed it under another account on the same computer. It works fine.

How can I make it work on the original account on the computer?

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Aug 30, 2007
You don’t trash the preferences from inside the program.

Did you read the FAQ?

Aug 31, 2007
Thanks John for helping me.

Yes, I have been over the FAQ, when I press the Ctrl+Alt+Shift, I get ‘scratch disk preferences’ and it doesn’t seem to make any difference. And I have no files that say Adobe Photoshop X Prefs.psp" or anything like it.

I also tried to look for it in Documents and Settings\~username\Application Data\Adobe\Photoshop\[version #]\Adobe Photoshop [version #] Settings, I have nothing like that.

I erased the entire Adobe directory and re-installed it. Nothing changed; it still dissapeared.
Aug 31, 2007
Did you enable "Show hidden files and folders" in Windows Explorer?
Aug 31, 2007
I get ‘scratch disk preferences’

that’s not it.
Aug 31, 2007
Never had to reset Photoshop preferences, BUT …

I have been resetting preferences at the start of each lesson in Classroom in a Book for another Adobe product and, believe me, you have to be bloody fast with those digits! Sometimes it took half a dozen tries before the dialog box came up.

You’d think they could make it a bit easier. 🙁

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