Unable to import WMF files

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May 11, 2005
I’ve been trying to open a Windows Metafile. I have also used the "open as" then select Windows Metafile, but still get the error message: Could not complete your request because of a problem with the file-format module interface. I’m brand new to the user forum. I’ve seen some discussion on this topic, but can’t find the solution or plug in needed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Master Retouching Hair

Learn how to rescue details, remove flyaways, add volume, and enhance the definition of hair in any photo. We break down every tool and technique in Photoshop to get picture-perfect hair, every time.

May 12, 2005
Hi Peg:

I had a similar problem myself. I downloaded the WMFFORMA.8BI plugin from the link suggested in Raymond’s post above. As Robert Velds mentions the file can be opened with the "Open As" command and selecting the WMF format in the dialog window. However, I noticed when I added the WMFFORMA.8BI plugin that I then had two (2) WMF in the dialog box when I used "Open As". One of the WMF selections in the dialog box opened the file, the other did not and gave the same error you mentioned. I deleted the one that didn’t open the file and now it is ok with the remaining selection working. Please check to see if there may be 2 WMF’s you can select when you use the "Open As" command. If there are 2, one should work.
May 12, 2005
Dear JGI,

THANK YOU, THANK YOU. I went to the site "tinyurl.com/7vjing" listed in Ray’s info and it automatically downloaded the plug in. And, just as you said, there are now 2 metafile selections in the "open as" dialog box, but choosing the second one does the trick! Blessings to you.
May 12, 2005
Glad it worked for you Peg. Enjoy!

Master Retouching Hair

Learn how to rescue details, remove flyaways, add volume, and enhance the definition of hair in any photo. We break down every tool and technique in Photoshop to get picture-perfect hair, every time.

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