Slow Mouse Bug and Fix

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Jun 8, 2007
I installed the Creative Suite 3. The mouse cursor tracks VERY SLOWLY in Photoshop Extended CS3 and Dreamweaver CS3. It functions at normal speed in other CS3 programs. Same result on my desktop and laptop computers.

Steps to reproduce bug: Load Photoshop or Dreamweaver. Move mouse.

Results: Cursor slows way down. It returns to normal speed when Photoshop or Dreamweaver is unloaded.

Cure: I’m merely reporting this bug as an FYI. The fix is to uncheck the "Disable acceleration in games" checkbox in Logitech mouse properties. This box appears to be set by default, as I have no games on my system, and would not have changed it from default. Plus, Photoshop and Dreamweaver are not games! Weird. (I had Speed set to Fast and Acceleration set to High in mouse motion properties.

Mike Wickham

How to Improve Photoshop Performance

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Jun 8, 2007
Hi Mike,

That’s certainly useful info to be aware of but I’ll just say I’ve never seen any tracking issues with my MX1000 mouse and I just tried enabling/disabling Game Detect as well as played with the "keep mouse acceleration" option. I saw no impact upon mouse tracking in PS CS3 under Windows Vista and using SetPoint version 3.30.165. I don’t recall ever changing the gaming settings either, as I rarely play games and would not have even thought to do this, so as I found Game Detect disabled, I’m assuming that was the default for my SetPoint installation. SetPoint 4.0 is out but I’ve yet to update to it. I’ll go do so now and update this post if any adverse effects are noted.



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