How to fix candle light-in-the-eyes problem in photos

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May 30, 2007
I believe that is just fairly standard red-eye. It may be more extreme than usual, due to the low ambient light. Probably standard red-eye correction tools and techniques will work fine for you.

You might try zooming in and selecting the white part. Then, simply reduce its luminance. With red-eye, you’d also generally want to reduce its color saturation.


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May 30, 2007
OK – I think I have it now … thanks! It still looks a wee bit odd if you zoom in close on the face. But overall, I don’t think you can even tell I fixed anything unless you zoom way in. When I first tried reducing red-eye (with channel mixer, reducing red and increasing green and blue), it helped marginally and still looked freakish. Then I reduced the brightness and contrast of the "white" area, and viola, a big improvement. Here is the result of that:

< /0>

Thanks again,
Ricky Roma

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