Password protect and date expire photos

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Feb 8, 2007
I would like to find out how to add a expiration date to my photos that I sell limited usage to a client. For example, I sell a photo to John Doe who wants the rights to use the photo for a year or even someone who wants to use it one time for the web or newpaper. When I put the file on a CD or send it to him, I want it to expire on the date I specify.

Additionally, I would like to set a limit (if possible) on how many times the file can be accessed for printing.

I hope someone has some information on how this could be accomplished.

I am using Pic2exe and have been told it is possible to do what I want to do using this program. However, I have asked the company Winsoft for clarifacation of their answer.

I would like to hear your thoughts on the subject.
Thank you,


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Feb 8, 2007
If only… 🙂

As for PixtoExe, yes you can time limit the slideshow and yes, you can prevent saving/printing. You can’t, however, stop anyone doing a "Print Screen". Plus, of course, we’re only talking screen res files here, whereas it sounds as if you want to distribute print quality files.

Google "Digimarc" for a way of tracking the use of your images.

Hope this help.

Feb 8, 2007

"You can’t, however, stop anyone doing a "Print Screen"." I beg your pardon but you can stop the "Print Screen" and I have used it often with my slide shows and screen savers. In fact one of my clients couldn’t understand why her screen saver disappeared everytime she hit screen print or moved her mouse. Dah!

This is a copy of the reply I got from asking Wnsoft this very question. First the Question and then the response.

Question: I would like to know if you can offer a way that I can share Jpgs with clients and password protect the files with either a drop dead date (can’t be opened after a certain date) or a limited number of openings of the file.

Thank you,

Al Berger

Response from Wnsoft:

Dear Al,

You can set an expiration date:

Project Options | Advanced tab

"Enable limited usage" check box and <Customize trial use details> button to set expiration date of presentation.

Alena Tomilova, WnSoft Inc.

* ********************************

I then wrote asked them for clarification. I am still awaiting their response.


Feb 8, 2007
What ‘use’ are your clients going to get out of your images then, if they can only view the images?
Feb 8, 2007
The "Don’t allow <PrintScreen> to copy pictures" button does work on most computers – but not all of them.

As for the <Customize trial use details> button – it does exactly what is says on the can! There really is nothing to clarify on that count.

I’ve found that by setting a very sort date on a set of proofs, you can almost guarantee a print order. 😉

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