Slide Show saves and plays images in reverse order

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Nov 29, 2003
On my iMac running OS X , Photoshop Elements 2.0 always loads and plays my image files in reverse order. I tried the same files on my PC notebook and that works fine, loads pictures as stored and plays from beginning to end.

I can stop the Mac slideshow with the mouse, then use the left arrow on the keyboard to play the slide show in reverse (which in this case is the right order) but it is awkward to get to the beginning and that wipes out any chance of autoplay.

Can anyone help with this?


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Nov 29, 2003

I think the Mac people have left for the night. Tomorrow I’m sure someone familiar with your OS will be around.
Nov 29, 2003
HI, Bill. I’m afraid the last time this question came up the answer was that that’s what happens and you can fix it in Windows but not in X. Maybe someone has come up with a solution since then, I hope.
Nov 29, 2003
Hi Bill, I had not played with the slideshow thingy in PhotoshopElements, but after your question, I gave it a try. As you noted, it was not showing the slides in the correct order, nor was it showing them in a consistantly "wrong" order.

I used images with only a number on them so I could track what was happening. It seemed to have a mind of it’s own and in one case, showed #9. #8, #2, …etc with #1 at the end.

It is possible to drag the images to the right order in the dialog box where you’re setting up the slide show, but if you have a lot of images, that can be a pain.

I couldn’t find a way to correct the problem.

By the way, I’ve tried several ways to make slideshows, but this is the simplest – even if the images are jumbled up!

Sorry I don’t have an answer, Margaret
Nov 30, 2003
OOps! I was afraid of that. But thanks for the confirmation. I thought maybe I was typing on an Egyptian keyboard or something.

I found I can get them in the right order on the Mac by choosing one image at a time and clicking open, then repeating the process for every image. Slow and irritating, but Adobe seems to have mostly abandoned the Mac users–like it or lump it.

At least I can transfer images to the PC and do the big slide shows there, and use the Mac if necessary just for smaller ones.

I hate to say it after almost 20 years, but I don’t think I’ll be buying another Mac. There are just too many of these black holes.
Nov 30, 2003
You know what’s interesting, Bill, is that a week or so ago us Mac users could get images to display correctly using the Tiling feature and Win users couldn’t! I’m not sure it has to do with Adobe abandoning Mac as much as them not getting all the little details cleaned up as they generate two versions. Some things seem to work better on one platform than another, and there doesn’t seem to be much rhyme or reason as to why.
Nov 30, 2003
Are you using the Elements slideshow feature under automation tools, or some other piece of software?

At least in the PC, if you select a group of files by clicking the first and shift/clicking the last, the last file will be first in the list. Don’t know if that’s the same in a MAC or not.

Nov 30, 2003
No, Dick, it’s not, unfortunately.
Nov 30, 2003
Dick, on the Mac, if you click on the fist one and then shift-click on the last one, the first will be last (but the rest will be all mixed up too)

Nov 30, 2003
What happens if you click on the last first then shift/click the first?


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