Batch Processing Frames?

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Nov 12, 2003
Is it possible to automate the process of framing a number of pictures?

If this has been answered, please point me straight.

For example:

I want to upload several pix to a web gallery. Each framed image would be built on a layer style where the photograph has a drop shadow over a white background (looks like the photo is floating over the white background).

If I crop / resize all the images so they have the same aspect ratio, how can I speed up applying them to the frames?

Is there a way to save the frame layer(s) as a template, open the template and import the picture?

Thanks for your help.


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Nov 13, 2003

In full Photoshop one could create an "Action" for repetitive use, alas, PSE cannot do this. With third party add-ons, PSE can run actions, but not create them.

I think you answered your own question as to the best solution possible within PSE. Do your "standardizing" for image size etc on one of your images. Now add whatever layers you require to create your universal frame. You might as well save this one (before you convert to jpg), with all layers intact in the .psd format, it is finished. Now pull this psd image back up and create a duplicate. Delete the layer in the palette that has the image on it, leaving all the framing layers intact. Use "Save As" to rename it something like "Frame". That is your template. To apply the same frame to all your images…open, resize the next one, flatten layers if needed, open your "Frame" image, duplicate your "Frame" image, with your image active, but both files showing on your workarea, drag the layer of your image from the palette and drop it on top of the visible Frame image on workarea. Just make a duplicate Frame image for each new image and drag your content image over to the frame file.
Nov 13, 2003

Oh, and if you didn’t think you would ever need to change the frame, you might as well flatten the layers in your newly created "Frame" template. Your finished product would be comprised of just two layers this way.
Nov 13, 2003
Actually, you can do this. All you need is the action and the ability to run an action. There are several ways to do the latter, including using HPAIII (which you can download from the Adobe Studio Exchange site):

Mac: < 31> PC: < 16>

Or by using Effects. I wrote an article for Digital Photography Techniques which tells how to do that.

Did you want to use an existing action? If so, that can be set up as a batch by altering the batchwin.atn file. You can alter those files by getting ahold of a copy of the Photoshop 6 Demo. It doesn’t save images, but saves actions, and doesn’t expire.

If people tell you it can’t be done…don’t believe it.

Richard Lynch
Nov 14, 2003
Nancy / Richard:

Thanks for the help. I’m probably going to try the template method until I get the hang of it, the look into the Actions.

I think I’m moving close to investing in full PS anyway.

Thanks again.


MacBook Pro 16” Mockups 🔥

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