Is there an easy way to obscure a backgroung image?

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Jul 26, 2003
All due respect, I’d select another descriptor for Obscure.

1 a : DARK, DIM b : shrouded in or hidden by darkness c : not clearly seen or easily distinguished : FAINT
2 : not readily understood or clearly expressed; also : MYSTERIOUS 3 : relatively unknown: as a : REMOTE, SECLUDED b : not prominent or famous <an obscure poet> 4 : constituting the unstressed vowel \&\ or having unstressed \&\ as its value

synonyms OBSCURE, DARK, VAGUE, ENIGMATIC, CRYPTIC, AMBIGUOUS, EQUIVOCAL mean not clearly understandable. OBSCURE implies a hiding or veiling of meaning through some inadequacy of expression or withholding of full knowledge <obscure poems>. DARK implies an imperfect or clouded revelation often with ominous or sinister suggestion <muttered dark hints of revenge>. VAGUE implies a lack of clear formulation due to inadequate conception or consideration (a vague sense of obligation). ENIGMATIC stresses a puzzling, mystifying quality <enigmatic occult writings>. CRYPTIC implies a purposely concealed meaning <cryptic hints of hidden treasure>. AMBIGUOUS applies to language capable of more than one interpretation <an ambiguous directive>. EQUIVOCAL applies to language left open to differing interpretations with the intention of deceiving or evading <moral precepts with equivocal phrasing>.

Could mean anything, is the point <grin>


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Don McCahill
Jul 26, 2003
If what you mean be obscure is to make the background so it doesn’t obscure type placed over it, my trick is to change the opacity of the layer to something like 20-40% of normal. Should do what you want.

You cannot change the transparency of the background layer, so I generally rename this layer as layer0, then add another layer filled with white (or the background color of choice) and place it under the layer0. Then changing layer0 shows the desired effect.

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