Any Photoshop Non-Linear Editors In Here?

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Feb 18, 2004
Hello, Beautiful Photoshop People πŸ™‚

Was wondering if any of you are using Photoshop for logo creations to export into your non-linear video projects?

I was given a Photoshop TIFF and PSD, 8 bit, RGB, single layer, 100 ppi, no effects, of a logo that falls apart in Apple’s Final Cut Pro 4.1.1. It appears that the logo has some interpolation while in Photoshop before exporting it out, for example, the black lines are not completely solid neither is the text.

Is there a way to at least make the logo lines and text solid black in Photoshop (after the fact).

Thanx for you time and input.

love & peace,
victor πŸ™‚

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Feb 22, 2004
OK, this seemed to work:

I opened the file again in Photoshop and:

1. Saturated the file set to Master +74 percent.

2. Shrank the file by two-thirds.

3. Saved it. RGB, 8 bit, 72 ppi, single layer.

Opened Final Cut Pro and imported the Photoshop file. Once in the FCP Browser, double clicked it to the Viewer, set the in and outs, placed it onto the Timeline. From there I double clicked it and adjusted the size to what I wanted, which was a little bit larger.

I don’t know why this worked but it did and made the assistant editor I’m working with to discontinue his egg laying.

I posted this as a reference should any superior beings (ahem, non-linear editors) be looking for this in Adobe’s Photoshop Forum for Macs.

love & peace,
victor πŸ™‚
Feb 22, 2004

Would you kindly enlighten me as what a non-linear editor is or does?

Thanks in advance.
Feb 22, 2004
Hey Victor. πŸ™‚
Feb 22, 2004
Hello, Steve πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
Feb 22, 2004
Hola, RamΓ³n πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Would you kindly enlighten me as what a non-linear editor is or does?

Non-Linear (not in a straight line) editing is the now present future step to motion picture editing. In the most simplistic form, for example, traditional film editing was/is done with film, scissors and clue, in a continuous line, from point A to point Z, in order, so that if the editor or director of a movie decides that a certain scene needs to be removed or edited again the editor would have to take out the scissors, make the cut, replace the images (35mm film) — it not a pretty sight.

In non-linear editing an editor/director can now move the scenes/clips around to his hearts content without worrying too much because the scenes are digitized and placed in a non-linear editing application like Apples Final Cut Pro 4 (professional) or Adobes Premiere (prosumer).

Im using Final Cut Pro 4 and Im also the moderator on the Los Angeles Final Cut Pro Users Group Spanish web site ForoLAFCPUG <> So, from time to time I scour other forums to get a little help from active and knowledgeable users, for example, this Photoshop forum for Macs.

Final Cut Pro is used for the majority of all movie previews you see at the theaters and is used to edit many shows on the television. Cold Mountain was totally edited with Apples Final Cut Pro. I strongly feel that what Final Cut Pro is doing to the movie industry in terms of providing an affordable editing system to make movies is akin to what computers did to music for talented kids who would not otherwise have a chance living in the ghettos. Well now be seeing much more content being put out there for us to see. Techno, House, HipHop, Rap, Dance music had a little help from computers that were being used by talented kids with little money. Now its the motion visual arts turn.
Cold Mountain <>"> Nonlinear <>

Photoshop is the External Still Image Editor of choice for us. We place Photoshop files with layers into our projects and can then make an animation from the Photoshop files, make the Photoshop files wobble, spin, flip, bubble, inflate or whatever we feel like doing to them. The Photoshop files no longer live a static life but become active objects that interrelate with whatever else is in the project Timeline.

It’s typical for clients to hand me their logos to use in their projects. But the Photoshop files need to be made and saved in a certain way, this cannot be over emphasized. Typically, the Photoshop document is made at 720w x 536h, 72ppi, transparent, RGB and is then resized to 720w x 480h, 72ppi, transparent, RGB for a full digital frame of 4:3 ratio (this is done to compensate for the rectagular pixels of an NTSC television .9:1 and a squre computer pixel 1:1 a ten percent difference, if my math is correct).

be well, amigo πŸ™‚

love & peace,
victor πŸ™‚
Feb 22, 2004
Thank you, Victor.
Feb 22, 2004
You’re welcome πŸ™‚ RamΓ³n

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