Tips on How to make a calendar in PS CS

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Apr 11, 2004
I would like to make a calendar in Adobe PhotoShop CS but i have no idea where to start. I want to have a picture on top, and numbers in the bottom. The main problem is where to get the numbers (dates).
I will be most thankfull for any kind of tip.

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Apr 11, 2004

The main problem is where to get the numbers (dates).<<

I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what you are asking. Do you mean what day of the week a particular date falls on in a particular year or what?
Apr 11, 2004
You can get the dates by looking at the calendar built into the clock on your PC.

Then, you type the words and numbers into position. If you mean you want a ready-built set of numbers and dates, then I would search Google with the words "Photoshop calendar template" in hopes that one exists.

There is no built in function of this type in PS.
Apr 11, 2004
Some years back Adobe had a lesson on making calendars in the CIB series for Pagemaker (probably version 4 or 5). The first month took quite a while to make, but after that, subsequent months were very fast to create. After about a 5-year hiatus of no DTP in our school, I decided to do a class in InDesign this year. The calendar lesson worked just the same in ID as it did in PM. We made large (about 30" x 17") 12-month calendars with a different senior photo for each month.

It will be hard to explain it clearly without illustrations, but you have to make a grid of guidelines with 7 columns and enough rows for each week of the month. Then you make separate text frames inside of each squares in the grid. Next make a long, narrow text frame in the pasteboard area and type the numbers 1 through 31, each on a separate line. Shrink the height of this frame until it is so small you can’t see any of the numbers. Then use the auto-flow button from this frame and click in the first cell of the month. Then click the auto-flow button from that text cell and click in the next text frame, etc. until you have the entire month filled in. If you size your text correctly, one number will fit in each box.

Once you have one month completed, just copy and paste the entire grid. You will have to use the autoflow to adjust the first day and last days of each month, but that takes less than a minute to adjust.
Apr 11, 2004
Off topic, but if you’re going to do it in InDesign, why not just create a table?

Apr 11, 2004
Sorry–I was thinking I was still in the In-Design forum when I answered this.

As for not using tables, I’m just a dabbler in InDesign, and just got to the lesson on tables in CIB last week–other than that, I’ve never used them.
Apr 12, 2004
There are only 14 different month templates necessary. Once you have all 14, you simply pick the one that fits your year and plug in the year.
Apr 12, 2004
Why 14? A month can only start on one of 7 days. If it is because some months have 30 days, and some 31, then you need 28, because February can have 29 days or 28. Why not just have seven templates of 31, and then delete the extra days?
Apr 12, 2004
I think he means month templates for the entire year, which would be one for each possible Jan 1 day of the week, times 2 for leap year.

IMHO Photoshop is not the application for this, but a layout app like ID, and until layout apps can create facing pages that stack vertically, it is best to design a calendar all rotated 90 degrees, in a facing page document, to facilitate final imposition.
Apr 12, 2004
Thanks Jarel, but i think it’s easyer to make table in Excell and yust copy/paste it into PS. I did that and its seems ok.
I also have one more question a bit off topic:
How can i adjust layer (picture) size? (I have opened new picture and copyed it to calendar i have been working on. But the picture was too small and i can only move it, but i don’t know how to resize it. Any idea?)
Apr 15, 2004
Can anyone please answer my question?
Apr 15, 2004
Apr 15, 2004
How can i adjust layer (picture) size? (I have opened new picture and copyed it to calendar i have been working on. But the picture was too small and i can only move it, but i don’t know how to resize it

With the picture Layer selected click Ctrl+T (or Edit> Transform> Scale) and re size as you see fit, hold down Shift key to constrain proportions.

Apr 15, 2004
With the picture Layer selected click Ctrl+T (or Edit> Transform> Scale) and re size as you see fit, hold down Shift key to constrain proportions.

Yes, you can do that. the question is do you want to? Increasing the size of an image also reduces the quality because of the inherent decrease in resolution

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