Monitors- aperture grill or shadow mask

Posted By
Henry Christiansen
Jun 28, 2003
Which type of monitor is best for editing photographs?

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Jun 28, 2003
Aperture grill; basically any monitor that uses the word ‘tron’ somewhere (based on the Sony ‘Trintron’).
Jun 29, 2003
I personally don’t like the visible "wires" in aperture grilles, but that is just me. Many aperture grille users say they don’t notice the wires. But I notice them.

Also, I think shadow masks do a better job with the diagonals, circles, and curves of text. For that reason shadow masks are probably better for text displays.

Even though my primary software applications involve graphic displays, I notice that I still spend the majority of my time reading or writing into a text display (like now, for instance.) So the quality of the text display is a primary factor in my choice of a monitor.

— Burton —
James Dodge
Jun 29, 2003
I forget all the drawbacks of a "Shadow Mask" monitior as opposed to an "Aperture Grille" monitor, but I would assume that most Graphics Folk are using an aperture grille monitor for the improved quality over the shadow mask. Check out the following and check further on the Internet.
< _aperture_grille.pdf>

Jun 29, 2003
I don’t like the wires either. Another issue I’ve seen with just about every consumer grade monitor but ViewSonic and Samsung is the image size changing (blooming?) when you change from predominantly dark to mostly light–especially noticable with NEC/Mitsubishi.

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