Purple cast importing from Nikon D100 (2.0)

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Nov 18, 2003

If somebody could give me an advise here.

Does not matter what Color Mode I have set on my Nikon D100 (2.0), does not matter if the Working Space on Photoshop matches or not, does not matter what kind of file I am working on (jpeg, raw, tiff), when I open my photos in Photoshop all have a horrible Purple cast. However, if I open them with Nikon View 6.0.0 or Nikon Editor, or even with Microsoft Explorer, all look just as they look in the camera.

Any suggestion?


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Nov 18, 2003
wrote in message

If somebody could give me an advise here.

Does not matter what Color Mode I have set on my Nikon D100 (2.0), does
not matter if the Working Space on Photoshop matches or not, does not matter what kind of file I am working on (jpeg, raw, tiff), when I open my photos in Photoshop all have a horrible Purple cast. However, if I open them with Nikon View 6.0.0 or Nikon Editor, or even with Microsoft Explorer, all look just as they look in the camera.
Any suggestion?


Curious. I have a D100 and use PS 7, and see no similar issues. I assume you have calibrated your monitor at the very least with Adobe Gamma? If you haven’t, that’s where I would start. If you have, well then I am as lost as you as that is all I have ever done and it gets me by.

Just FYI tho, I’d set your camera color to mode II and stick with it throughout your workflow. I know it’s labeled as Nikon Adobe, but it is pretty much Adobe 1998, I’ve never experienced any shift in using this method in my workflow. Nikon’s sRGB schemes may have some merit, but I’ve never found it. Especially when it comes to printing, on an Epson 2200 anyway.
Nov 18, 2003
Photoshop is a colour managed application, whereas MS Explorer isn’t (can’t comment on the Nikon software, as have never used it).

You need to run Adobe Gamma to calibrate your monitor. Spend a few minutes reading through this excellent site <http://www.computer-darkroom.com/ps7-colour/ps7_1.htm> on setting it up.

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