CS4 with a high resolution screen

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Jan 10, 2009
I am running CS4 on an 8 processor, 3 GHz machine with an nvidia fx3700 and a screen that offers 2600 x 1900 resolution. With all this power, the package is much slower than CS3 on a lap top. One can actually see the action of one’s paintbrush trailing centimetres behind the cursor.

Well, we can perhaps live with this, with the leaping menu bar and the many other oddities until Adobe fix the thing. However, what isa truly hard to accept is that it is impossible to resize the tool icons, symbols on the tool bars, silly menu stud-type things of floating menu items so as to allow work at high resolution. Drop down menus follow what we have told Windows to apply, and are thus legible. Anything in the application GUI is, however, invisibly small at 2600 x 1900, Even MS Office 2000 – ten years old – allows you to resize the icons and tools, for heavens sake, but it appears that a modern package that is aimed explicitly at people who work with images cannot do so. It all seems deeply retrograde, an instance where ‘new’ equals ‘worse’.

Perhaps I have missed something: so does anyone know how to resize the various menus and tools so that they can be read without a magnifying glass?

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Jan 10, 2009
My 30inch screen at 2560×1600 is fine regarding text size and panels/gui….I guess it’s one of those things you’ll have to get used to.

As far a I know it’s not adjustable.

What monitor do you have that runs 2600×1900?
Jan 11, 2009
First off this is just something you have to deal with with LCD screens. The native resolution is usually very high which means things are small. If you are using Windows you can adjust the text size up to like 120% but depending on the program that can cause other problems.

As for Photoshop allowing you to do this, show any modern commerical program that allows you to resize the menu and interface text and icons? At best in something like Word you can do small or large icons, but I have seen nothing that allows you to mess with the programs GUI font size. This is usually a function of the OS and not the program.

Jan 11, 2009
I have a 30inch LCD as well, and run at 2560×1600.

Please refer to my thread here. This may improve your performance significantly. After trying them, please post your findings.

Vinod Balakrishnan
Jan 12, 2009
Increase the font size in Preferences->Interface->UI Font Size to large, it will increase the font sizes for option bar text and layer style dialogs where smaller font size is used.

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