nesredep egrob wrote:
On Thu, 29 Apr 2004 22:00:35 +0000 (UTC), "Nicholas Hall" wrote:
Have not opened it.
But at a guess this is a virus.
I wonder why these people post virus’s this way. How many people open files that most probably virus’s.
If people open files like this then they deserve what they get.
wrote in message
Osama Bin Laden has been captured. Images of the secret event documented.
News photos of the actual capture of Osama Bin Laden in Afganistan out of some mountain cave, surrounded by Muslim people.
Did you know that if you use the Forte Agent as the news reader you can kill filter the author. If you then set the program to show all groups and you have selected ‘global’ you can apply the filter to all groups and do that every morning and you get rid of that kind of rubbish forever – until he changes his name!!!!!!
B.Pedersen Latitude -31,48.21 Longitude115,47.40 Time=GMT+8.00 If you are curious look here
Outlook Express and many other news readers, including the excellent Forte Agent support the ability to block senders, as well as to ignore certain threads.
There are always going to be irritating people in each newsgroup, and blocking is an important way to imporve your news reading experience.
One suggestion – if you block someone, I suggest you simply block them without posting to say that you are "plonking" them. This gets really silly sometimes, when someone does a plonk, then continues to respond to flames from the person they are supposedly ignoring.
Mike Russell