I have a shiny new Dell 9200 with (4 gigs, running XP Pro) and a 30-inch Dell 3007WFP monitor being driven with a dual-DVI nVidia 7950 GT video card. I also have a 15-inch secondary monitor hooked up and running off an nVidia GeForce4 MX 4000 card (I don’t need much from it). Unfortunately, I’m having serious problems with video redraw with both Photoshop and Illustrator. Illustrator is behaving better after I ratcheted down video acceleration a notch, but Photoshop is messing up no matter how much I throttle down the acceleration. Symptoms include: white blocks where menus should be, cursor lock ups, and jerky movement when dragging windows. For once, I’m not blaming Adobe for the problems and believe they’re caused by nVidia’s driver. It’s pretty obvious I’m going to have to get a different card and the question I have is whether anyone has a similar setup with a 30-inch monitor that works properly and if so, what video card are you using?
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