Cell Shading – Multiple and Screen Blending Mode

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Apr 28, 2007
I have been trying to follow this tutorial and I can’t seem to figure it out for the life of me. I did everything they did however, when I change the blending mode to multiple my color doesn’t change. What am I missing?

Here is the tutorial, it’s a animated gif, so just wait.

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Apr 29, 2007
You might want to give a step by step of what you did. I’m just guessing here, but after you switched the new layer to multiply, did you proceed to brush in more color?
Apr 29, 2007
And make sure your ‘colour’ isn’t black or white.
May 2, 2007
I followed the same steps in the tutorial. I add a layer and then set the blending mode to Multiply. I used purple, the same color that they used in the tutorial. I am still stumped.
May 2, 2007
JFFR (just for future reference) Black Flux…

Please don’t post big images like that in the first thread starter post. If you feel you ABSOLUTELY must, put it in the first reply to your own thread starter post.

Also…something like that is a bit excessive…1.37 MB?

Better you should upload it somewhere and link to it. If you don’t have your own server space, <http://www.pixentral.com> is able to host animations like that, and will provide the HTML code that you can post here to display a smaller thumbnail with a link to the full sized version.

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